as i heard the lords' witnesses are again campaigning against the wt in brooklyn.
they have warned bethels and officials all over the world that nyc/the un might suffer a serious terrorist attack this weekend which might also effect the facilities of the society.
anyone heard of this?
just thought you all might be interested in some information on the "last uncivilized tribes" .
there is also a short film here you might find interesting:.
watch the film uncontacted tribes .
It may also be worth aiming for a subject heading that more accurately sums up what you are talking about to reduce the likelihood that people may get the wrong idea. Just a thought.
Yeah, Steve, I guess you are right.
Seems a few took a look at the link.
I don't think this crowd likes bible quotes.
It puts them on the defense.
Maybe from now on I will just title my threads something benign like....
muse at play
then they can just be surprised at whatever they find.
no more disclosure.
Good idea.
Thanks. Tula
ok, here's a batch for fun with covers 20, let's make them amazing!
here you go!.
Wasa...can you tell me if this cover is authentic??
The Jehovah Witnesses are a Satanic organization, based upon the occult of Freemasonry. Charles Taze Russell was a 33rd Degree Freemason; as was Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon cult. Carefully notice the Masonic cross at the upper left corner of the photo below...
The Masonic cross used by the Masonic Jehovah's Witnesses
Does anyone know if this is true?
we are headed toward a one world religion which is tolerant of any and all deities.. all religions in our modern day society have origins in babylon.
i hope to prove that in the course of this thread.. every religion and secret society operating under the guise of religious affiliation have triune deities.. the wts is no exception.
their triune is jehovah, the fds, and "the christ".. in recent literature, i have noticed that jesus has been demoted to simply a position, by calling him "the christ".
(Commentary: Perhaps this new age movement will combine some of the names of different gods so everyone can have a share of the unity. Perhaps that idea comes from another group that has been using that concept for centuries...well, maybe even since the time of Babylon. Who knows? It is alleged that this group uses Jehovah's name in a very blasphemous way.
Here is an example of some esoteric Masonic verbiage: "In the ritual of exaltation, the name of the great Architect of the Universe is revealed as JAH-BUL-ON....each syllable of the 'ineffable name' represents one personality of this Trinity:
JAH = Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews
BUL = Ba'al, the ancient Canaanite fertility god associated with 'licentious rites of imitative magic'
ON = Osiris, the Ancient Egyptian god of the underworld"
This allogation can be found through wikipedia and many other sources.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
Making up a god to suit yourself is also idolotry.
we are also a jewish nation, a muslim nation, a buddhist nation, and a hindu nation and a nation of non-believers.
excerpt from Brave New Schools: A New Way of Thinking
Here is how the process might work: if one person believes in God (thesis 1), another in Buddha (thesis 2), and another in the Great Spirit (thesis 3), they may agree that "there are many gods" or that "every path leads to the same ultimate reality." This new thesis, of course, would not be considered absolute or final truth. It would merely be a higher step in the ongoing evolution toward ever greater understanding and perfection.
scary.... .
"No Place to Hide"
we are headed toward a one world religion which is tolerant of any and all deities.. all religions in our modern day society have origins in babylon.
i hope to prove that in the course of this thread.. every religion and secret society operating under the guise of religious affiliation have triune deities.. the wts is no exception.
their triune is jehovah, the fds, and "the christ".. in recent literature, i have noticed that jesus has been demoted to simply a position, by calling him "the christ".
United Religions Initiative (a One World Demand)
Another false belief that the URI promotes is religious relativism, the notion that all religions are equally true and are equally paths to God. In a July 1998 interview with a journalist from the official newspaper for the Lambeth conference (a once-a-decade worldwide gathering of Anglican bishops), Bishop Swing said, "The question is can we stand the generosity of God in that he reveals himself to other people in the world through other symbols and through other stories?"(15) This reduces the historical events of the Incarnation, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection of Christ to the level of "symbols" and "stories," allowing Bishop Swing to equate non-Christian myths to the saving, historical acts of Christ's ministry.
Yet another false belief that the URI fosters is the notion that, as Anglican Bishop Ottley (a URI supporter) says, "the world's agenda is the agenda of the church." (16) Bishop Swing - like other URI supporters - says that a United Religions is what the world demands of believers: "There is going to come a time when the world is just going to insist that religions grow up and begin to talk to each other for the sake of global good and global harmony."(17) The root of the problem may be that URI leaders hold a worldly view of what religion is. URI Vice President William Rankin said, "J. M. Yinger defines religion as 'a system of beliefs and practices by means of which a group of people struggles with ultimate problems of human life. It expresses their refusal to capitulate to death, to give up in the face of frustration, to allow hostility to tear apart their human aspirations.' So far, so good."(18) Yinger's definition reduces religion to psychology and social action - and Rankin does not go beyond it to a God-centered view of religion.
An earth-bound definition of religion is the only way that Bishop Swing could argue that "The United Religions will not be a rejection of ancient religion but will be found buried in the depths of these religions."(19) If, indeed, United Religions were to be found "buried in the depths" of the Christian Faith, countless early martyrs could have avoided agonizing deaths by burning incense in front of the statue of the Roman Emperor, and today's martyrs in Sudan and China could apostatize with a calm conscience. Maybe martyrs are passé, anyhow; URI Vice President Rankin says that "The United Religions Initiative exists to bring people together from all the religions of the world, to create a world where no one has to die because of God, or for God, any more."(20)
The leaders of the URI do not place their ultimate hope in God or in the saving acts of Christ; they hope for an earthly utopia that the United Religions will help bring into being. In the letter that formally invited delegates to the summer 1997 URI summit conference, Bishop Swing wrote that United Religions would be "a deep new source of hope and healing for people and the earth itself."
Bishop Swing told the 1997 URI summit conference: "If you have come here because a spirit of colossal energy is being born in the loins of earth, then come here and be a midwife. Assist, in awe, at the birth of new hope."(22) The "new hope" will have the Earth - and not the Virgin Mary - as its mother. The Catholic Church speaks for all orthodox Christians in rejecting such fantasies of a man-made paradise: "The Antichrist's deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can be only realized beyond history through the eschatological judgment. The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism, especially the 'intrinsically perverse' political form of a secular messianism."(23)
The URI made a fateful choice in 1996, expanding its scope beyond the traditional religions to embrace what its leaders call "new spiritual movements" - and what the rest of us call the New Age movement. Bishop Swing still stands by this choice; he told the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco in May 1999 that the three principles agreed upon by the founders of the URI in 1996 were: "1. we will be a grass roots movement; 2. it has to be men and women together; 3. invite religions and spiritual movements together - right from the beginning."(24) Bishop Swing says that the URI will remain open to new spiritual movements and "cults": "Asked how the URI would handle cults, Bishop Swing answered that the United Religions would probably look a little like Alcoholics Anonymous" 'very diffuse.' He added that 'In United Religions, if you can abide by the purpose and principle, then you can get together. Once you open the door, you have to keep it open.' "(25) Several New Age leaders, including Robert Muller, Neale Donald Walsch, and Barbara Marx Hubbard, are active and enthusiastic supporters of the URI.
Muller, Marx Hubbard, and Walsch support world government and a socialist economy, believe that the Fall was really an ascent into knowledge for humanity, and expect an imminent, apocalyptic social transformation that will lead humanity into the New Age. The problem is not a few "smoking gun" quotes pulled from otherwise-innocent writings; these New Age leaders have provided an arsenal full of smoking guns, all pointed in the same direction. These New Age teachers - and their theosophical mentors - propose a comprehensive anti-Gospel, a modern revival of the Gnostic heresy, and an inversion of Christian morality.
The New Age leaders directly associated with the URI - Muller, Walsch, and Marx Hubbard - draw inspiration from Theosophy, an occult movement started in 1875 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Theosophy has since had significant influence on the New Age movement in the US and worldwide. Its teachings include praising Lucifer as the bringer of light to humanity, denouncing orthodox Christianity and Judaism as "separative" and "obsolete," and forecasting a coming age of enlightened, spiritual collectivism - after the cleansing of earth to remove the people who do not accept progress.
(Commentary: There is newer information on UR! but a particular website I was looking for is MIA.
UR! is connected to Un.
I would like to find a connection between UR! and the purpose of that "library card" as I suspect a posssible link.
But first, I would like to expound further on the principles of this directive and how it has already been established to fall into place.
This link gives a very short summary of the interfaith creed.
10. Believing that one's own faith is true and that others are not (or reveal less truth than one's own) is a mark of intolerance and "fundamentalism."
12. Preservation of the biosphere (along the lines set out by the environmental movement) is the most important human value, and is of greater importance than human life or human rights.
Tradition, law, individual freedom, and property rights must not interfere with achieving these goals.
14. Tolerance, however, has its limits. As URI Board Secretary Paul Chafee said, "We can't afford fundamentalists in a world this small." (1)
we are headed toward a one world religion which is tolerant of any and all deities.. all religions in our modern day society have origins in babylon.
i hope to prove that in the course of this thread.. every religion and secret society operating under the guise of religious affiliation have triune deities.. the wts is no exception.
their triune is jehovah, the fds, and "the christ".. in recent literature, i have noticed that jesus has been demoted to simply a position, by calling him "the christ".
We are headed toward a one world religion which is tolerant of any and all deities.
All religions in our modern day society have origins in Babylon. I hope to prove that in the course of this thread.
Every religion and secret society operating under the guise of religious affiliation have triune deities.
The WTS is no exception. Their triune is jehovah, the FDS, and "the Christ".
In recent literature, I have noticed that Jesus has been demoted to simply a position, by calling him "the Christ". It is as though he is not important enough to have a name. You might as well say "the bagboy" or "the janitor". This is a subliminal message that Jesus ranks low.
The FDS (Faithful Discreet Slave) was simply a fictious character from a parable. This was not even a real person, as was Jesus. And yet, this fictional character is revered. When you fear this blasphemous "mouthpiece of god" you are actually bowing down to the dictates of unknown powers behind this organization. Fear is also an act of worship. The FDS is no more real than Harry Potter or the little red hen. He was a made-up character to illustrate a point in a story example. Has anyone ever seen the FDS?
Many "Christian" religions have set their focus on the "Holy Ghost". This is a bogus trip also. Preachers blow on the sick and push them to the floor, telling them to "get up and walk" by the power of the Holy Ghost. Exposes have revealed that many of these folks were paid for taped performances to fake their disabilities. And the dupes go on and on.
Many of these religions may give an impression that they confess Jesus, but they do not! They do not give him respect nor speak of his teachings. They speak of "prosperity gospels", they tell jokes or inspirational stories, they focus on nonsense like speaking in tongues, handling snakes, faith healing, and whatever entertainment it takes to get people to participate and part with their money.
My point is that religion will continue. People will always worship some kind of god (s). But Jesus gave us some information to know what is false and how to recognize the event which is to happen.
1 John 4:3 King James
3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
Message Bible
2-3 Here's how you test for the genuine Spirit of God. Everyone who confesses openly his faith in Jesus Christ—the Son of God, who came as an actual flesh-and-blood person—comes from God and belongs to God. And everyone who refuses to confess faith in Jesus has nothing in common with God. This is the spirit of antichrist that you heard was coming. Well, here it is, sooner than we thought!
There will be religion. There will be worship of God. The key is that Jesus will not be a part of this one world religion.
Stay tuned. There's more to come.
i am gonna keep it as simple as this...please answer this simple one question to you who do not believe in intelligent design.. but notice how evolution leaves out all the obvious details about the human body..which leads to my question how did man and woman evolved???
well my bible says god put man to sleep and took one of his ribs..and made woman.
whats your non god,ll wait..i need a good laugh tonight..
haha i got all you SHOOK! My errors are on PURPOSE! lol..
I think BooBoo is really a rocket scientist.
The "errors" are part of his disguise.
He does not really want anyone to find out who he is and that he is participating on this board.
It is a brilliant idea.
I wish I had thought to fake my literacy!
BooWhoo BooBoo.
i am gonna keep it as simple as this...please answer this simple one question to you who do not believe in intelligent design.. but notice how evolution leaves out all the obvious details about the human body..which leads to my question how did man and woman evolved???
well my bible says god put man to sleep and took one of his ribs..and made woman.
whats your non god,ll wait..i need a good laugh tonight..
Those who do not believe in intellient design and creation is brain dead!!
"Those" is plural.
"Is" is singular.
Your sentence is not logically structured. (see sentence syntax)
You may not be brain dead yet, but it certainly seems to be gasping.
When you can design an intelligent thought by creating a proper sentence, maybe someone will take the time to discourse with you.