"at least not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation and a nation of non-believers."
Obama, "We Are No Longer A Christian Nation,"
by SixofNine 34 Replies latest jw friends
SIX of NINE- Great u-tube ! I voted for him ! I think he sounds sincere in what he wants to accomplish . Time will tell if he is able to overtake the Hillary machine
keyser soze
Pagan! He just lost my vote. Have these last 8 years taught him nothing?
Great video. My only hope is that he could possibly make things better. It'll take probably 10 years to fix what Bush has done.
Remember "Billary Clinton" signed NAFTA into law and sent many jobs out of America where labor is cheaper. They forgot to think about who would be left here to buy their crap. Hence, the gov't is sending checks out to get people to spend. If they hadn't screwed us in the first place that wouldn't be necessary.
Dinah (of the gov't reaps what they sow class)
Hillary could probably make me vote republican.
Yep, Hilary could make me vote republican. Good video.
Neat. Good to hear someone say that.
I think most of us knew this alread, that is except for the religious right.
I am hoping for a Hillary/Obama dream ticket myself. I didn't like Bill's NAFTA blunder or his giving into pressure to add to welfare reform. I believe he did both to keep the hungry wolves at bay. Hindsight is 20/20 and hopefully Hill has nailed Bill to the wall over the two mentioned mistakes.
I don't think Obama is seasoned enough to be effective as prez. Give him a few years as vice president and he'll get the experience he needs. The first woman or black president needs to be effective, otherwise, he/she could blow it for future black or female candidates.
"I don't think Obama is seasoned enough to be effective as prez."
In what areas do you fear he would be ineffective?
excerpt from Brave New Schools: A New Way of Thinking
Here is how the process might work: if one person believes in God (thesis 1), another in Buddha (thesis 2), and another in the Great Spirit (thesis 3), they may agree that "there are many gods" or that "every path leads to the same ultimate reality." This new thesis, of course, would not be considered absolute or final truth. It would merely be a higher step in the ongoing evolution toward ever greater understanding and perfection.
"I don't think Obama is seasoned enough to be effective as prez."
In what areas do you fear he would be ineffective?
You know, I used to buy into that whole claptrap about him "not having any experience," and that argument could be pretty valid, but I'm going to respond to that in three little words:
George. W. Bush. Do you really think running the country can be that hard? Hell, a former AWOL-ing cokehead drunk, who ran businesses into the ground, seemed to do okay. How has Senator Obama run his personal life compared to Bush?