Organization = Almighty
Governing Body = Spokesman
FDS(mystical) = Holy Spirit
How about a new acronym?
F DS(mystical) = Holy Spirit
O rganization = Almighty
G overning Body = Spokesman
as a relative newcomer, i don't know whether anyone has ever made this observation before - so apologies if they have.. one of the main areas of disagreement between jehovah's witnesses and orthodox christians is the 'trinity'.. to an outsider (i.e.
christian - not a jehovah's witness), the organisation has their own *trinity* which has replaced the orthodox 'trinity' of father, son and holy spirit.. the command at .
matthew 28 v 19 - 20: 'go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you: and, lo, i am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world.
Organization = Almighty
Governing Body = Spokesman
FDS(mystical) = Holy Spirit
How about a new acronym?
F DS(mystical) = Holy Spirit
O rganization = Almighty
G overning Body = Spokesman
do you see the watchtower symbol here???.
robert freke gould, the history of freemasonry.
plate facing p. 269. vol.
More secret handshakes:
W e Mormons can never be sure quite of people. Who is OK? Who is not?
Or worse !
T hat's why Joseph Smith, our Seer and Revelator, has revealed to us of the Secret Handshakes .
T his secret (formerly only sacred) way of clasping another's hands is so we can surely know who the other person is... friend or foe? Good or evil?
do you see the watchtower symbol here???.
robert freke gould, the history of freemasonry.
plate facing p. 269. vol.
Is this not a "graven image"?
Symbols are the language of the mysteries.
this is from the wt 03 2/15.
"but what if some indidivuals who lack this call have been partaking of the memorial emblems?
now aware that they never had the heavenly hope, surely their conscience will compel them to stop partaking.
Maybe they don't want people to partake because this is the purpose of "guarding the holy grail".
They are keeping people from doing as Jesus asked us.
"This do in remembrance of me."
Jesus gave NO conditions or "qualifications".
Almost from their founding, the Templars have been rumored
a.) to still exist
b.) to be impossibly rich, and
c.) to guard the Holy Grail (the cup from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper) and other Christian relics. Most of these stories are probably baseless, although for 150 years in the high Middle Ages, their order was incontestably one of the most powerful and creative military and economic forces in the world.,8599,1674980,00.html
for more information regarding the connection between WTS, Russell, and Knights Templar, see:
we are headed toward a one world religion which is tolerant of any and all deities.. all religions in our modern day society have origins in babylon.
i hope to prove that in the course of this thread.. every religion and secret society operating under the guise of religious affiliation have triune deities.. the wts is no exception.
their triune is jehovah, the fds, and "the christ".. in recent literature, i have noticed that jesus has been demoted to simply a position, by calling him "the christ".
Take a look at these similarities. This link is scanned from Feb. 15 2008 Watchtower.
Compare with this coat of arms of the Knights Templar.
The basic message is that it portrays two riders together, or "side by side".
It also carries a military message: "Onward Christian SOLDIERS"
If symbols are the language of the Mysteries.....
could this image, being displayed at this particular time, have a special encoded meaning?
we are headed toward a one world religion which is tolerant of any and all deities.. all religions in our modern day society have origins in babylon.
i hope to prove that in the course of this thread.. every religion and secret society operating under the guise of religious affiliation have triune deities.. the wts is no exception.
their triune is jehovah, the fds, and "the christ".. in recent literature, i have noticed that jesus has been demoted to simply a position, by calling him "the christ".
The symbol appears in the seal of the Church of Christ, Scientist, where it is surrounded by the words "Heal the Sick, Cleanse the Lepers, Raise the Dead, Cast Out Demons", from the Gospel of Matthew, 10:8.
It is also featured in the banner of the Bible Students, later known as Jehovah's Witnesses. The cross and crown were surrounded by bay laurel leaves, which first appeared in the January 1881 issue of Zion's Watch Tower[3]. The Watchtower Society later discontinued using the cross and crown after the death of C.T Russell, viewing it as a "pagan symbol". However, to this day, the Bible Students (I.B.S.A) continue to use the cross and crown in their publications.
The symbol is associated with Freemasonry, specifically the Knights Templar branch of Freemasonry. It is a modern Knight Templar group (Which does not claim a heritage from the medieval order) symbol, however, it is thought that it was never a prominent symbol of the historical military order (see Knights Templar Seal). Many military orders during the Crusades adopted Coats of arms prominently featuring a cross (often a Maltese cross) in various contexts.
for further reading:
Theme song: Onward christian soldiers
The Knights Templar originate from the Temple of Solomon.
The organization existed for approximately two centuries in the Middle Ages. It was founded in the aftermath of the First Crusade of 1096
Templar knights, in their distinctive white mantles each with a red cross, were among the best fighting units of the Crusades. [4] Non-combatant members of the Order managed a large economic infrastructure throughout Christendom, inventing or adapting many financial techniques that were an early form of banking, [5] [6] and building many fortifications across Europe and the Holy Land.
The mission of most of the members was one of support - to acquire resources which could be used to fund and equip the small percentage of members who were fighting on the front lines.
inventing or adapting many financial techniques that were an early form of banking, [5] [6] and building many fortifications across Europe and the Holy Land.
A watchtower is a type of fortification used in many parts of the world. It differs from a regular tower in that its primary use is military
The Templars were specifically charged with worshipping some type of severed head; a charge which was made only against Templars.
As for the accusation of head-worship, historical evidence suggests that it referred to rituals involving the alleged relics of John the Baptist
Under torture, some Templars admitted to homosexual acts, and to the worship of heads and a mystery known as Baphomet.
rearrange the letters in Baphomet by reversing them you would get an abbreviated Latin phrase:
He further believed that this would represent the Latin "Templi omnivm hominum pacis abbas" or in English "The Father Of The Temple Of Peace Of All Men". This he felt to be a reference to King Solomon's Temple, which Eliphas believed had the sole purpose of bringing peace to the world.
(Eliphas Lévi died on May 31st, 1875 and his books remain in print well over 100 years after his death.)
"The Father Of The Temple Of Peace Of All Men".
"The United Religions will not be a rejection of ancient religion but will be found buried in the depths of these religions."(19)
we are headed toward a one world religion which is tolerant of any and all deities.. all religions in our modern day society have origins in babylon.
i hope to prove that in the course of this thread.. every religion and secret society operating under the guise of religious affiliation have triune deities.. the wts is no exception.
their triune is jehovah, the fds, and "the christ".. in recent literature, i have noticed that jesus has been demoted to simply a position, by calling him "the christ".
C. T. Russell's Gravesite
The Masonic Seal of America
Is there a message here?
“Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries ... By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language. Rejecting man-conceived dialects as inadequate and unworthy to perpetuate divine ideas, the Mysteries thus chose symbolism as a far more ingenious and ideal method of preserving their transcendental knowledge. In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, for to the wise the subject of the symbol is obvious, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable. Hence, he who seeks to unveil the secret doctrine of antiquity must search for that doctrine not upon the open pages of books which might fall into the hands of the unworthy but in the place where it was originally concealed.”
— Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. 20 of interest for further exploration, see: scroll to PDF file document: 1913 Great PyramidPassages
we are headed toward a one world religion which is tolerant of any and all deities.. all religions in our modern day society have origins in babylon.
i hope to prove that in the course of this thread.. every religion and secret society operating under the guise of religious affiliation have triune deities.. the wts is no exception.
their triune is jehovah, the fds, and "the christ".. in recent literature, i have noticed that jesus has been demoted to simply a position, by calling him "the christ".
So, you think the Watchtower Society is no longer affiliated with the UN?
Think again. It's as simple as a name change to regroup under a new corporation and maintain UN status.
The Watch Tower Corporation has changed its charter many times during its existence and also has created more than a handful of affiliated corporations to carry on its purpose . But most recently, these corporations have found themselves embroiled in lawsuits, notably nine child sexual abuse lawsuits which Watch Tower secretly settled out-of-court in February 2007. Important court documents from these lawsuits can be obtained through this website.
i was watching a video from the thread "simon says" and clicked on a few other videos.
the fish with tattoos was not cool...but this video is just plain wrong!.
edit .
It is a foreshadowing of things to come in the New Earth.
Isaiah 11:
8 The infant will play near the hole of the cobra,
and the young child put his hand into the viper's nest.
9 They will neither harm nor destroy
on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD
as the waters cover the sea.
we are headed toward a one world religion which is tolerant of any and all deities.. all religions in our modern day society have origins in babylon.
i hope to prove that in the course of this thread.. every religion and secret society operating under the guise of religious affiliation have triune deities.. the wts is no exception.
their triune is jehovah, the fds, and "the christ".. in recent literature, i have noticed that jesus has been demoted to simply a position, by calling him "the christ".
On June 20, 2006, The Global Council Trustees, on behalf of the members of the UNITED RELIGIONS INITIATIVE throughout the world, issued a Peace Proclamation, joining with the United Nations in proclaiming September 21 as The International Day of Peace. We urge all our members to encourage all citizens of this world to work together to create peace, justice and healing for the Earth and for all living beings.
here's the link for more info...
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