Some quotes concerning baptism:
Pointing out that Baptist doctrine rejected the necessity of baptism for salvation, but required baptism for acceptance into the Baptist church, the debaters would say, "Your doctrine makes it easier to go to heaven than to get into the Baptist church!"
No one within the body of shepherds ever suggested that "open membership" was an acceptable option, but there were some who felt that immersion for the remission of sins should be the litmus-test requirement for membership.
We practice open communion but not open membership. Every person who chooses to be a part of our faith journey is taught that immersion for the remission of sins, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is a clear command of God, and is steadfastly urged to obey that command. Meanwhile, we continue to welcome them, share communion with them, accept money they may wish to contribute, even publish their name in our membership directory if they wish. We recognize that such a degree of acceptance may leave a wrong impression, or even give a false sense of security.
The elders state that baptism is a contract, and that once joined there is “no nice way out”. They take no responsibility for any depression or suicides that occur because of the shunning that results from their decision.
Because baptism is a contract, you are giving up your free will to the direction and enforcement of the church dictates. This is why no court will entertain lawsuits have GIVEN UP your first amendment rights. This is what separation of church and state really means!!