break from the quest
The quest is over.
It's simply a matter of trying to show others now.
so that this will be no surprise to you, and so you will not be swayed in your firm stand of holy spirit truth, i give you this.. .
in the coming months expect to hear this in the kh and the mags..... "for those of you who have heard of the association of the wts and the un and have patiently and faithfully waited on jehovah, we can now tell you our reasons for doing this.
it has all been under the direction of the fds.. this library card was necessary because..... there are very old manuscripts that have never been deciphered and they have been housed within that library.. through much prayer and careful consideration, jah directed for our team of translators, which are the best and most accurate in the world, to be a part of this great uncovering of the new scrolls.".
break from the quest
The quest is over.
It's simply a matter of trying to show others now.
so that this will be no surprise to you, and so you will not be swayed in your firm stand of holy spirit truth, i give you this.. .
in the coming months expect to hear this in the kh and the mags..... "for those of you who have heard of the association of the wts and the un and have patiently and faithfully waited on jehovah, we can now tell you our reasons for doing this.
it has all been under the direction of the fds.. this library card was necessary because..... there are very old manuscripts that have never been deciphered and they have been housed within that library.. through much prayer and careful consideration, jah directed for our team of translators, which are the best and most accurate in the world, to be a part of this great uncovering of the new scrolls.".
Heathen I just found this. I think it is the "becoming Prayer." It is something coming out of the Catholic church. Some rather disturbing wording here. Can you imagine this being chanted in your face when you need a drink of water?
Gracious and merciful is the holy one
slow to anger, full of love.
God is good in every way, merciful to every creature.
The Holy One is faithful in every word
and gracious in every work.
She supports the fallen, raises those bowed down
The Holy One is just in every way,
loving in every deed.
he is near to those who call, who cry out from their hearts
God grants them their desires, hears their cry and saves them.
Let all flesh bless God's many names,
holy both now and forever.
i'm not a big fan of huge ^c^v (cut and paste) posts but here goes..... i found this when i googled 'jehovahs witness landmark forum' - thats another post why i was doing that... takes about 3 minutes to read.... my question is 'could a jw read this and not even think 'is that us?''.
identifying a cult
there has been much confusion about cults and how to 'pickem'.
very good information.
"Cults" permeate our whole structure of society.
It is very important for people to realize this is not just a few cult religions like Jw, Mormon and scientology. This includes ALL "christian" denominations.
It is very much the way the commerce operates as well.
It is a "who you know" and "who you owe" (favors and blackmail) system.
I am glad you brought this information forward.
so that this will be no surprise to you, and so you will not be swayed in your firm stand of holy spirit truth, i give you this.. .
in the coming months expect to hear this in the kh and the mags..... "for those of you who have heard of the association of the wts and the un and have patiently and faithfully waited on jehovah, we can now tell you our reasons for doing this.
it has all been under the direction of the fds.. this library card was necessary because..... there are very old manuscripts that have never been deciphered and they have been housed within that library.. through much prayer and careful consideration, jah directed for our team of translators, which are the best and most accurate in the world, to be a part of this great uncovering of the new scrolls.".
My Instruction:
Think not what you will say when you are brought before the people. For what you speak shall be my words to my people.
Your message:
You are, every one of you, a spiritually lazy people. This is how you ended up in the mess from which you now escape.
You have not sought Me with prayer and supplication.
You have listened to the dictates of man.
You call it mind control! behavior control!
You seek to blame someone else for your own short comings.
You are the very ones who gave man that authority over you because of your spiritual laziness.
You did not seek me for yourselves. When did you fast and pray? When did you come to me?
Thus saith the Lord Jesus, the promised Messiah sent to lead you, through the Holy Spirit of Truth.
so that this will be no surprise to you, and so you will not be swayed in your firm stand of holy spirit truth, i give you this.. .
in the coming months expect to hear this in the kh and the mags..... "for those of you who have heard of the association of the wts and the un and have patiently and faithfully waited on jehovah, we can now tell you our reasons for doing this.
it has all been under the direction of the fds.. this library card was necessary because..... there are very old manuscripts that have never been deciphered and they have been housed within that library.. through much prayer and careful consideration, jah directed for our team of translators, which are the best and most accurate in the world, to be a part of this great uncovering of the new scrolls.".
I am not a psychic!
This information is not something I have thought about nor plotted.
It is information that I have been led to find.
I am predicting nothing!
I am not making any of this up.
I am only revealing to you the information that I have been led to find.
That's ALL.
would you like to take a peek inside that infamous library?.
there is a link embedded within this thread that will show you the interior and some amazing things.
it is like no library you have ever seen.
I don't think they want to rehash the embarrassment over the UN-DPI association, and furthermore I don't think they'd ever want to have to "explain" their actions to the r&f.
They will reveal that they were led by the FDS to do this because of the new scrolls being found and their WTS translaters were asked to come on board.
I have gone into greater detail about this somewhere on another post. (I am sorry I am limited on time right now)
The R and F will be SO EXCITED about this discovery that it will not even occur to them that the WTS has violated all of what they have said about the UN all these years.
This new discovery will keep them on the edge of their seats. The Armageddon propoganda was getting old anyway. People were grumbling and becoming discouraged about it and beginning to see through the fear tactics.
You gotta have something new to keep them "in." This is it.
And it is a BIG change as far as finally having a "positive" aspect instead of the "fear " tactic. Now they can all be "Jehovahs Happy People"
....well until they find out in a year or two that gods name has been lost and they are not even sure its jehovah.....
But by then they will be conditioned and ready to accept that too.
It will be gradual, as always.
would you like to take a peek inside that infamous library?.
there is a link embedded within this thread that will show you the interior and some amazing things.
it is like no library you have ever seen.
I must say that although it looks like you've put a lot of thought into what the WTS is going to do next, I really don't think anything you've predicted will come to pass.
It is not something I have thought about nor plotted.
It is information that I have been led to find.
I am predicting nothing!
I am not making any of this up.
I am only revealing to you the information that I have been led to find.
would you like to take a peek inside that infamous library?.
there is a link embedded within this thread that will show you the interior and some amazing things.
it is like no library you have ever seen.
What was your draw to George Green?
I do not know this name.
would you like to take a peek inside that infamous library?.
there is a link embedded within this thread that will show you the interior and some amazing things.
it is like no library you have ever seen.
How about providing a direct link to the library pics so one doesn't have to go digging through all that stuff ? There's a lot of information there.2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
Laziness is why many of you will stay in darkness.
If it is not worth your time to seek to find answers, you will not find them.
If you want to be spoonfed, go to the KH meetings where they turn out mindless drones.
If you do not want the Truth passionately enough to spend your time searching then you don't deserve it.
I have given you great information here.
And all you have to do is read it. What? You want me to spit it into your mouth like mama bird feeds the babies?
2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
Well, you're a real charmer , aren't ya ? Somebody asks you nicely and this is how you respond ? You can shove your library card !
If this is the way you reply to scriptural answers, you are neither diligent in seeking, nor would you accept or appreciate what you find.
so that this will be no surprise to you, and so you will not be swayed in your firm stand of holy spirit truth, i give you this.. .
in the coming months expect to hear this in the kh and the mags..... "for those of you who have heard of the association of the wts and the un and have patiently and faithfully waited on jehovah, we can now tell you our reasons for doing this.
it has all been under the direction of the fds.. this library card was necessary because..... there are very old manuscripts that have never been deciphered and they have been housed within that library.. through much prayer and careful consideration, jah directed for our team of translators, which are the best and most accurate in the world, to be a part of this great uncovering of the new scrolls.".
Do you have anything to back this up, or is it just speculation?
Acts 2:17
17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: