Thanks for sharing that with us. I will look it up. I have been trying a little experiment when I find myself becoming irritated or just dismissive of others. I tell myself, Hey, that is me, meaning that we are not so separate as my mind tells me. I find this immediately stops the stories or judgements in my mind.
I don't exactly know how to word this, but it brings me into the present and helps me be much less judgmental.
Remember it doesn't really matter if you have stories or a judgemental attitude, it's natural for the mind to do that. (not to mention you are not your mind anyway, but we won't get into that) You don't have to do anything, including doing something to make yourself stop doing other things deemed negative - which in the end is a whole lot of doing all around! You can just be yourself, and although there's no guarantees, people seem to lose interest in doing the stories and judgement bit as a result. I mean, why bother? There are plenty of other people doing it if you are ever interested in such things.