Well there is that, I was just commenting on the general tone of the article. The way I read it it sounds like they are describing nice loyal JWs who is only doing scholarly research, without anything detracting from the organization. I mean if you're talking about this site you have to be pretty blind not to notice the feelings of many ex-JWs!
JoinedPosts by educ8self
They have created Web sites
by Word inkingdom ministry september 2007 .
..in various parts of the world, a few associates of our organization have formed groups to do.
independent research on bible-related subjects.
Aren't we really the pioneers?
by purplesofa inwe are blazing through the time we live in, seeking freedom from the oppression around is, in us, through us.
we are opening our minds to new ways of thinking, feeling, living, sharing.. it's not easy, we pay a price, for some of its much higher than others.
we suffer alone, endure hardships, bear the truth and it's consequences.. there is no new land to conquer, no nations to be born, no places to run to any longer.
They have created Web sites
by Word inkingdom ministry september 2007 .
..in various parts of the world, a few associates of our organization have formed groups to do.
independent research on bible-related subjects.
Need a scan of forward from 1950 NWT
by Grammy ini was told it says....while inclining to view the pronunciation yah.weh as the more correct way, we have retained the form jehovah because of people's familiarity with it since the 14th century.
moreover, it preserves, equally with other forms, the four letters of the tetragrammaton jhvh (nwt, 1950 ed., foreword, p. 25 [note: this admission was removed from the 1961, 1970, 1984 editions of the nwt]).. my husband wants to see a scan before he will believe this, can anyone help me please...i trashed all my old literature.. .
sandi aka grammy.
You can be Disfellowshiped for being too FAT!!!!!
by Witness 007 inwatch 74 p.167 "by disobediently overindulging in food and making a glutton of himself, he fails to show love for jehovah god...is food a big thing in his life?
if in the presents of others, does he selfishly ignore thier needs and take far more then his share?
is he grossly overweight but shows no restraint at all as to food, habitually gorging himself?
You can be Disfellowshiped for being too FAT!!!!!
by Witness 007 inwatch 74 p.167 "by disobediently overindulging in food and making a glutton of himself, he fails to show love for jehovah god...is food a big thing in his life?
if in the presents of others, does he selfishly ignore thier needs and take far more then his share?
is he grossly overweight but shows no restraint at all as to food, habitually gorging himself?
It'd be interesting to hear about such a case if it happend, but imagine what would happen to the guy with the general societal (not WT) pressure over obesity on top of the shunning - suicide perhaps? Maybe become one of those 700lb guys that has to be removed from the house with a crane.
The ruling class couldn't possibly be guilty of as much craving (for power) as the glutton, micromanaging the rank and file's life? Noooo....
Why leave out some of God's creatures?
by serotonin_wraith inone thing i've noticed in the wt paradise pics is that they leave out many of god's wonderful creatures.
why aren't there more pictures of children petting cockroaches, tickling the bellies of snails and letting scorpions sit on their shoulders?
if every animal is made by god, why be biased and leave some out?.
As a JW were you ever counseled about clothes you wore, or lack thereof ?
by flipper inthought this could get interesting discussing experiences.
i for one was trying to reach out for ministerial servant again in the early 90's , had been one before, and was assigned to carry the microphones one meeting.
had an elder call me in the back room and say , " brother flipper, i noticed looking down towards your shoes that you are wearing white socks today.
Well I'm pretty sure there have been some sisters with a light mustache getting dunked, I mean some people just have the hormone balanced tipped that way I suppose..
Now you did make me think of Meatloaf in Fight Club, suppose he was going to become a Witness.. I guess that would be like the testicular cancer support group. Spiritually castrated: (flatly) "Yes we're men, men is what we are."
Love for their Neighbour?
by KW13 inso, who have more love for their neighbour out of these and more importantly, why?.
looking at how the the witnesses are 'built' and 'constructed' some things are too perfect, rather than having any flow they have robotic responses to things and pre-decided thoughts for every situation you can think of (so the society can ensure they dont run away) so i ask the question - do jehovahs witnesses have love and genuine concern for their real neighbours?
(including and excluding jw's).. the meetings, the arriving early and leaving a tad later to 'associate' is something the society recommend unless your disfellowshipped so is that really a choice by witnesses to make good friends with people and to help them or is that to prevent the affects of each meeting being driven from peoples minds the moment they leave the door?.
I remember when I was studying and expressed to the brother and another elder that I can't bring myself to love some people, and their response was you do it for Jehovah - but it was pretty much an intellectual answer. I don't recall there being any feeling of "I understand" or any sharing of their love whether for their fellow humans or God. What I DO remember is being seen as a nicely progressing study.
They have created Web sites
by Word inkingdom ministry september 2007 .
..in various parts of the world, a few associates of our organization have formed groups to do.
independent research on bible-related subjects.