I have an aunt who went with the don't marry/procreate until after the big A, she admitted to me more than once, (now in her sixties) if she had known "the system would last this long" she would have chosen differently. Heartbreaking really. She'll die without ever having held her own child, or her own husband.
JoinedPosts by sweetstuff
He Doesn't Want Children ...
by compound complex ingood morning!.
from friends who are called on regularly by jws i learn the latest in our locale:.
"we" don't want children because the end is so close.. .
News from downunder - the mystery of the falling tower on 9/11
by ozziepost inappearing in our news today is this item which may, or may not, lay the conspiracy theories to bed.
us investigators solve 9/11 mysteryaugust 22, 2008, 8:32 am.
ap [enlarge photo]us investigators say they have solved the mystery of the collapse of world trade centre building seven in the september 11 attacks.. the 47 storey trapezoid sat north of the world trade centre towers, across vesey street in new york city's lower manhattan.. on september 11, it was set on fire by falling debris from the burning towers, but sceptics have long argued that fire and debris alone should not have brought down such a big steel and concrete structure.. scientists with the national institute of standards and technology say their three year investigation of the collapse determined the demise of wtc seven was actually the first time in the world a fire caused the total failure of a skyscraper.. "the reason for the collapse of world trade centre seven is no longer a mystery," said dr shyam sunder, the lead investigator on the team.. investigators also concluded that the collapse of the nearby towers broke the city water main, leaving the sprinkler system in the bottom half of the building without water.. the building has been the subject of a wide range of conspiracy theories for the last seven years, partly because the collapse occurred about seven hours after the twin towers came down.
If that is to be your first step toward recovery, then I will sacrifice myself, Sweetstuff.
But you must never tell...never.
LOL, my lips are sealed.
News from downunder - the mystery of the falling tower on 9/11
by ozziepost inappearing in our news today is this item which may, or may not, lay the conspiracy theories to bed.
us investigators solve 9/11 mysteryaugust 22, 2008, 8:32 am.
ap [enlarge photo]us investigators say they have solved the mystery of the collapse of world trade centre building seven in the september 11 attacks.. the 47 storey trapezoid sat north of the world trade centre towers, across vesey street in new york city's lower manhattan.. on september 11, it was set on fire by falling debris from the burning towers, but sceptics have long argued that fire and debris alone should not have brought down such a big steel and concrete structure.. scientists with the national institute of standards and technology say their three year investigation of the collapse determined the demise of wtc seven was actually the first time in the world a fire caused the total failure of a skyscraper.. "the reason for the collapse of world trade centre seven is no longer a mystery," said dr shyam sunder, the lead investigator on the team.. investigators also concluded that the collapse of the nearby towers broke the city water main, leaving the sprinkler system in the bottom half of the building without water.. the building has been the subject of a wide range of conspiracy theories for the last seven years, partly because the collapse occurred about seven hours after the twin towers came down.
then you have an extremely disruptive lunacy
Aww, come here and give this lunatic a kiss.
News from downunder - the mystery of the falling tower on 9/11
by ozziepost inappearing in our news today is this item which may, or may not, lay the conspiracy theories to bed.
us investigators solve 9/11 mysteryaugust 22, 2008, 8:32 am.
ap [enlarge photo]us investigators say they have solved the mystery of the collapse of world trade centre building seven in the september 11 attacks.. the 47 storey trapezoid sat north of the world trade centre towers, across vesey street in new york city's lower manhattan.. on september 11, it was set on fire by falling debris from the burning towers, but sceptics have long argued that fire and debris alone should not have brought down such a big steel and concrete structure.. scientists with the national institute of standards and technology say their three year investigation of the collapse determined the demise of wtc seven was actually the first time in the world a fire caused the total failure of a skyscraper.. "the reason for the collapse of world trade centre seven is no longer a mystery," said dr shyam sunder, the lead investigator on the team.. investigators also concluded that the collapse of the nearby towers broke the city water main, leaving the sprinkler system in the bottom half of the building without water.. the building has been the subject of a wide range of conspiracy theories for the last seven years, partly because the collapse occurred about seven hours after the twin towers came down.
Sniff, sniff, sniff. Anyone else smell the distinct odor of hypocrisy here?
Maybe its just time for a shower? Just saying...
"The Bible Says... The Bible Says..."
by AGuest into the household of god, israel... and those who go with... may you all have peace!.
my great goodness, dear ones... what did christ, our lord, say?
dear ones, the bible is not our saviour.
Your servant, and a slave of Christ,
My servant, ok how bout you start with the kitchen first? Just kidding of course.
While I also am not a christian, I believe that the words attributed to Jesus were more about being more humane to each other than anything else, good motto to live by.
But I gotta say, I'd much rather read a child of Christ, or a follower of Christ, than a slave of Christ, didn't Jesus say his yoke was kindly and his burden light? I think that would kinda imply he was looking for fellowship, not inslavement of mankind. IMO
News from downunder - the mystery of the falling tower on 9/11
by ozziepost inappearing in our news today is this item which may, or may not, lay the conspiracy theories to bed.
us investigators solve 9/11 mysteryaugust 22, 2008, 8:32 am.
ap [enlarge photo]us investigators say they have solved the mystery of the collapse of world trade centre building seven in the september 11 attacks.. the 47 storey trapezoid sat north of the world trade centre towers, across vesey street in new york city's lower manhattan.. on september 11, it was set on fire by falling debris from the burning towers, but sceptics have long argued that fire and debris alone should not have brought down such a big steel and concrete structure.. scientists with the national institute of standards and technology say their three year investigation of the collapse determined the demise of wtc seven was actually the first time in the world a fire caused the total failure of a skyscraper.. "the reason for the collapse of world trade centre seven is no longer a mystery," said dr shyam sunder, the lead investigator on the team.. investigators also concluded that the collapse of the nearby towers broke the city water main, leaving the sprinkler system in the bottom half of the building without water.. the building has been the subject of a wide range of conspiracy theories for the last seven years, partly because the collapse occurred about seven hours after the twin towers came down.
Sweetstuff is also "buying into" a story.
None of us are in a position to have investigated this personally. We just have to go with what we think is reasonable.
Or should - some seem to go with what they wish to go with politically
Dear James,
More correctly, I'm not buying the official story. I never said I agree with all the 'theories' regarding what really happened, but I know what does not make sense to me. And you are very right, everyone has to go with what they think is reasonable. I could care less about the politics of it all. All I'm trying to say, is that I totally believe in your right to believe what you deem reasonable. I think opposing views should be given the same courtesy.
News from downunder - the mystery of the falling tower on 9/11
by ozziepost inappearing in our news today is this item which may, or may not, lay the conspiracy theories to bed.
us investigators solve 9/11 mysteryaugust 22, 2008, 8:32 am.
ap [enlarge photo]us investigators say they have solved the mystery of the collapse of world trade centre building seven in the september 11 attacks.. the 47 storey trapezoid sat north of the world trade centre towers, across vesey street in new york city's lower manhattan.. on september 11, it was set on fire by falling debris from the burning towers, but sceptics have long argued that fire and debris alone should not have brought down such a big steel and concrete structure.. scientists with the national institute of standards and technology say their three year investigation of the collapse determined the demise of wtc seven was actually the first time in the world a fire caused the total failure of a skyscraper.. "the reason for the collapse of world trade centre seven is no longer a mystery," said dr shyam sunder, the lead investigator on the team.. investigators also concluded that the collapse of the nearby towers broke the city water main, leaving the sprinkler system in the bottom half of the building without water.. the building has been the subject of a wide range of conspiracy theories for the last seven years, partly because the collapse occurred about seven hours after the twin towers came down.
Conspiracy theorists - bah!!!!
Ok, I've got to get this off my chest. I'm am friggin sick and tired of people pigeon-holing anyone who disagrees with the official 911 story as being a "conspiracy theorist", to all of you on this board doing so, shame on you. Why? Because you could all be branded by the same bloody name, for having seen through the WTS lies, oh wait, it would be "apostate" not "conspiracy theorist", big diff. Weren't you all at one time shaking your head and saying, this doesn't add up in regards to the WTS? It doesn't make logical sense? Admist many others telling you that you were the one who had the problem, you weren't thinking clearly?? Ring a bell to anybody?
I'm not a "conspiracy theorist" whatsoever, but I do know bullshit when I see it. And I'm sorry, the amount of bullshit the US government has disclosed as fact regarding 911 is painfully obvious to anyone with a brain! How can any of you explain that the collision into the Pentagon left not one skidmark on the grass in front of the building, just a big hole, no damage from the wings, zip? If you consider yourself a logical person and don't find that odd, good luck to you. The fact that they found passports of the terrorists yet no bodies whatsoever could be recovered? Are you kidding me? LMAO
You all just keep buying the official "story" into what happened and who was responsible without even bothering to personally research basic facts. If it was impossible to recover bodies, it would be impossible to find a PAPER PASSPORT, but it is darn convienent isn't it? So before you all jump on me for how I'm a "conspiracy theorist" remember this, it was the ability to question the "official story" that lead many of us to leave the borg. Don't be hating because I continue or others continue to question what does not seem to them to be logical or plausible. Thanks!
What a mess here in Florida!
by restrangled inwhere i live we have received 10 inches of rain within the last 24 hours..... another 12 to 17 hours of the same are expected!, some areas have gotten close to 30 inches.
its crazy...my pool is over flowing, pets won't go out....we're drowning!
i can't believe we haven't lost power yet!.
No. All I am saying is people should BE PREPARED.
And you are assuming they haven't prepared just because they are in your opinion, 'whining' about the effects mother nature can have. Sometimes the best laid plans prove futile. You can't control falling trees, or flying debris, flooding, etc. And regardless of your prepared status, a horrible storm can wipe out all your hard earned assets before you can say, boo. I don't live in Florida but I did live through Hurricane Juan all the way up here on east coast canada and although we prepared, had water, food, set aside, still wasn't pleasant whatsoever.
No power for a week with two kids is something to whine about, it was not fun. The flooding made it impossible to get to stores (they weren't even open, hello, no power!), you couldn't cook, everything in the fridge went bad within a couple days, no lights, downed power lines everywhere, with two kids, oh yeah, that was just a walk in the park. My empathy goes out to those who have to deal with that more than once in life.
Hope you are feeling better Sweetpea! I hope you are making Besty take care of the rugrats while you recover.
Mockery in the last days.
by edmond dantes inwho are the mockers and scoffers?
jehovah's witlesses claim that as we are in the last days and that mockers will be plentiful.i would suggest that the ones doing the most scoffing are the ones disseminating so called 'divine truth.'.
they mock every other religion but their own.
They mock the injustice of the justice system in "satan's world" yet harbour pedophiles and inform the abused they need two witnesses.