So very sorry to hear it. What aweful news. Please keep us updated on her condition. Big hugs to you and her.
JoinedPosts by sweetstuff
Mrs.Chickennest has cancer
by Thechickennest inmy wife and i learned this week that she is suffering from a large malignant tumor in her sinuses.
the cancer has spread to her lymth nodes and the pet scan indicates a mass on her left lung as well.
the sinus cancer is called sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma.
Mayo verse Miricle whip
by LouBelle ini don't mind either - both are fattening to the nth degree but some things just need a dollop.
mayo revolutionised the chicken / tuna sandwhich.
potatoe salad!
Oh go for it SS, you can have an extra seat when you travel!
I'd rather have a large ass than be a big ass.
What do you think of this-obese win right to 2 airline seats for price of 1
by sir82 insee this article:
obese have right to two airline seats, one faresupreme court of canada rules for those functionally disabled by obesitywhat do you think?
just from a purely selfish standpoint, i would be grateful if the 500 pound passenger next to me were able to occupy 2 seats, rather than being wedged into 1 (and spilling over the sides)..
SS, causes of obesity that are not related to diet and exercise are definitely in the minority
I am aware of that Beks, still it is a question that's valid because although it might be the minority, such conditions do exist.
What do you think of this-obese win right to 2 airline seats for price of 1
by sir82 insee this article:
obese have right to two airline seats, one faresupreme court of canada rules for those functionally disabled by obesitywhat do you think?
just from a purely selfish standpoint, i would be grateful if the 500 pound passenger next to me were able to occupy 2 seats, rather than being wedged into 1 (and spilling over the sides)..
To be clear about my experience, the guy that spilled over into my seat wasn't just overweight. He was obese...his weight had to be in excess of 400 pounds.
And I don't care if its genetics, he can't help it or if he just ate too damn much...his fat ass was in my I paid for and wasn't getting to use and made me very uncomfortable for 9 or so hours.
Let's face it....most Americans are already overweight but if someone is so large that they can't fit into normal seating arrangements that the rest of fat-ass America doesn't have problems with, then tough should have to pay a surcharge for taking up more than the average and reasonable amount of space.
Yes, there are handicapped people in this world. But let's face this fact as can't fix everything to make the world accesible to all handicapped people. I'm as sorry as can be that people have these afflications but there's a point where they have to accept that maybe they can't do everything a normal person can do and learn to live with it. If that means, in this airline situation, that they'll have to pay extra for space on a plane, well they just need to pony up the bucks and shut the fuck up about it.
You sure don't sound as sorry as you can be to me.
For all you know, maybe the guy was on his way to have surgery for his obesity so he isn't feeling like human feces because he's taking up someone else's space. And btw, handicapped people have every friggin right to try and do anything and everything possible to live as normal a life as they can. Why the hell should they just have to "accept" their lots in life? Walk a mile in their shoes or you shut the f*ck up.
By all means you have every right to be comfortable in the space you paid for, not disputing that fact. Did you ask to be moved to another seat? Or did you just silently fume for hours over the fact that "mister fat ass" was taking up your space? Sometimes the lack of empathy shown by some on here reminds me very much of the borg. Fit in or get out mentality at it's finest.
What do you think of this-obese win right to 2 airline seats for price of 1
by sir82 insee this article:
obese have right to two airline seats, one faresupreme court of canada rules for those functionally disabled by obesitywhat do you think?
just from a purely selfish standpoint, i would be grateful if the 500 pound passenger next to me were able to occupy 2 seats, rather than being wedged into 1 (and spilling over the sides)..
Actually SS, if it was my mother, sister etc. that was functionally disabled by obesity, I'd be having an intervention and making sure they got some help.
What if it wasn't due to a food addiction Beks? What if disease or medication had made them the size that they are?
*Shudders* Yeah, umm I think I'd pass on that one, regardless of any amount of money Gregor, lmao! I like sex, and he would be the death of my sexual desire for life.
What do you think of this-obese win right to 2 airline seats for price of 1
by sir82 insee this article:
obese have right to two airline seats, one faresupreme court of canada rules for those functionally disabled by obesitywhat do you think?
just from a purely selfish standpoint, i would be grateful if the 500 pound passenger next to me were able to occupy 2 seats, rather than being wedged into 1 (and spilling over the sides)..
Big deal, so they get a discount by not having to pay for two seats. Evens out if you ask me, the ridicule and scorn they have to endure through their lives for being large is much more than equal payback. What if it was your mother or father or sister who was very large, would you feel the same then or be happy that they could actually afford to come visit their first grandchild, or attend your wedding, because they didn't have to pay for two seats????
I think the world has much bigger issues to contend with.
Let me clarify for you then JD, I love my children unconditionally. And I believe that's how it should be. It sure as hell is often not how it is. But for me, I do love them unconditionally, without reserve and I have absolutely (I'm not one to talk in absolutes about most things) no doubt that will never change. And before you say, it's not possible, that's YOUR reality, we all have our own.
Did you say something?
Not to you.
Mayo verse Miricle whip
by LouBelle ini don't mind either - both are fattening to the nth degree but some things just need a dollop.
mayo revolutionised the chicken / tuna sandwhich.
potatoe salad!
I try to avoid both when possible, not exactly healthy grub. But I do love the olive oil Hellman's Mayo. Miracle Whip tastes way too sweet for my palate. Sigh, fat is such a horrible thing isn't it? I love cream in my coffee but I compromise by using light 5% cream, cause 18% fat is going to land right on my hips, dammit.