Leolia or anyone else, which version is the NIV, I like it. Since I still go to some meetings, I have told my dad there is no way in good concience I can keep using the NWT (due to Christian Greek Portion). Any other recommendaions?
Thanks, oompa
the nwt rendering of this scripture has always irritated me: psalm 10:4the wicked one according to his superciliousness makes no search;.
all his ideas are: there is no god.. why select a 16-letter word when all other english translations use pride/haughtiness of his face/countenance?
i used to cringe whenever this psalm came up for the bible reading because superciliousness was almost always mispronounced.
Leolia or anyone else, which version is the NIV, I like it. Since I still go to some meetings, I have told my dad there is no way in good concience I can keep using the NWT (due to Christian Greek Portion). Any other recommendaions?
Thanks, oompa
i have been reading on the internet about the angry woman rosie o'donnell.
i think it is so sad how this woman once had the world convinced she was a sweet woman who cared and loved everyone.
only to learn over time that she is an angry bitter woman who is willing strike out without care of any one's feelings, when ever she feels fit to do so.
She is almostenough to make me hate lesbians. And my own sister is one!!!!
puke, puke, puke.....oompa
i posted my pic.
(well part of it at least (am a bit shy still...) because i am not scared to be found out anymore.
mind you i've been df'ed for nearly a year now but still had hope 'friends' would remember we were like family and realize they couldn't possibly live the rest of their lives without talking to me again....ha!
Is your ex-best friend in Gilead or Bethel now? lol
could be a good fit....oompa
printed during w.w 2 on cheap paper this soft cover book is rare.
so i stole one from the hall.
interesting quotes.. watch.
So would I have been a more stupider Witness believing during the 1940's, or would I be stupider as one believing now?
old stuff really sucks.....oompa
why should we define ourselves by what the fds defines us?
our enemies who seek emotional control over us even after we left their destructive cult have invested a lot of effort to demonize us with the word apostate and when we use the term ourselves we do their work for them.
most so called apostates simply thought about things deeply and came up with many questions that the jws instead of answering in a logical manner labelled these inquiring minds as demon inspired apostates doubting the god appointed fds and expelled them from their org.
Funny JH, I can just see you sing that!
from now on we could be: Postal
It does use most of the letters.....oompa
as a jw, alot of us lead double lives.
i know i did.. in talking about our situations with my sister in law, realized that i now lead a double life as a "fader"!!!
my husband and i are "out" of the religion (my brother, sister in law and the kids too) but for the sake of family, they think we are still "in" although they know we are not active.
Hell yes!
I mean no, of course not.
just introducing myself to all the friends.
i am a new member to this forum and i'm just popping in to say hello to you all and "checking in".
i like to write in forums and have gotten in trouble in some because of my adamance in denying the doctrine of the trinity.
Welcome +2007! Have you read much on this site that made you want to post? What hall are you in.
thanks for coming.....oompa
today, my friends is the 25th wedding anniversary of mr & mrs kabong.
25 years ago, 3 elders came to our door and said that our marriage will not work because we don't have jehovah's blessing or approval.
and for 25 years, i knew those 3 "wise" men were full of it.
Congratulations! And you tell em...
having been raised a witness, i was taught to never refuse an assignment.
view everything as a "privilege from jehovah".
so naturally, wanting to be an elder was very important to me and to my family.
When I was younger, I just really wanted to nail this hot pioneer sister, which I finally did!
My dad was an elder from day one, and it kind of turned me off to it and never had it as a goal. So as a professional underacheiver, I told the elders that I was going to do my best to be a long term REGULAR PUBLISHER just so they could do their job. If we all became elders, they would have no one to shepard!
Big goal, but someone had to do it.....oompa
"Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am in their midst" --Jesus H. Christ
Interesting that the instructions for this part were NOT Question and Answer--Read all Paragraphs. Instead it was ---Audience Discussion.
Just like in my hall, the direct, new, hard hitting statement from the FDS was not even mentioned! My hall totally skirted "the issue." When Pubs study, if they do, they may just gloss over it or miss it. I spoke with an elders wife at the meeting and she had not had a chance to study and had never read the QB. So at my hall, and the one posted here, she would never even have heard about it.
The transcript posted is nauseatingly sweet, gooey....oompa