It's definitely only Australia because in the context it mentions the member of JWs being 70000 there.
as a statistic this works out as 1.42% of the current membership (1000 cases), if it is similar ratio across the world then it would be 113600 cases of 8million current members. I always thought the Bill Bowen/Barbara Anderson claims about the U.S. Bethel Database of child abusers must be exaggerated (think they claimed 20-30k names) but this shows it could well be an underestimation!
its clear this commission got access to the files, hope that they can do the same in the USA and UK.
Poor victims, this is just disgusting, this report this morning has finished my faith in this organisation completely, these victims have had to go to 'worldly courts' to finally have their voices heard. Cases unreported, abusers reinstated and reappointed, or appointed, victims grilled in front of abusers.....Jehovah cannot be with the witnesses.