Hi Sofia, I did..., I started by telling him I had serious doubts (6 months ago) i was genuinely upset about it all at the time, really I told him every step of my doubting and discoveries, child abuse, only 0.1% of the population will survive the big A, false predictions, UN membership, AMIII ridiculous talks.. etc etc... Until it got too much for him and he really told me in no uncertain terms that he doesn't want to hear or read anything negative about the org.
Since then I've naturally stopped f.s. and attending most meetings...
i think it helped that he saw the process happening, he tried to help, sat in on a shepherding call with me etc, he could see my doubts were very genuine and I wasn't just being 'rebellious', now he's not pressuring me or anything at all. I still believe in a non-jw way so I don't mind the odd prayer or bible based family study, I just don't go to the Kh most of the time. We do disagree about the kids though (associations) but they are old enough to make their own decisions and are happy that mom is being more relaxed about them going out now!
I have found with him and elders, friends etc that the 'confused and doubting' stance elicits more sympathy and understanding than the 'it's a load of BS' stance!!! Of course they'll try to 'help' you but you just kindly and respectfully ask them to leave it with you and Jehovah. They get busy with other stuff....
Overall I think it's better to be honest though, it's too much emotional and mental strain otherwise x