Pete zahut: They even say (publicly) that they are not the only ones who will survive into "the new system"
where do they say this? This is a crucial point for me..
they dont say this in writing as far as i have seen, they say the opposite, that you have to be associated with/supporting 'christs brothers' (them) and be in the modern day 'ark' otherwise you have no chance, it's not enough to to be sincere, you have to be in the 'true' religion. Individual brothers say things like "Jehovah can read hearts.." Etc as I did, we comfort ourselves with those thoughts, but that isn't what the WTBTS says. As far as the GB are concerned, all non witnesses will be burned, charred 'hotdogs roasting on a spit' (yes AMIII actually used that analogy in a talk, I have the link).
thats my main problem with this religion." We are all right, you are all wrong, we will all live, you will all die." The opposite of christs message. The answer as others have pointed out is not where but whom, JC.
BUT WHY?, why don't the GB take the more reasonable line? why don't they humbly say: "others will survive, Jehovah is merciful, we won't be the only ones" - the answer, as soon as you say that you take away the importance of the preaching work, membership of their congregations, allegiance to their cult .