Thanks for all of your helpful responses.
Hey Alive, it's all good, found your post very interesting, actually.
I like that we all have different views and can share them respectfully, finding our own 'truth'.
I agree if God wanted us to believe and worship in a certain very specific way then he should have made it much, much clearer, as it is as clear as mud right now! The witnesses love to boast about they have the right interpretation, having researched honestly and logically scriptures in the bible to interpret other scriptures, then you just have to examine their generation teaching, or see them clinging to 1914-607 despite all evidence to the contrary, or the ridiculous Revelation book interpretations....(this trumpet blast corresponded to a convention in Ohio etc....) to see they haven't a clue and there are ulterior motives to promote their leadership.
I think I agree with those that have posted that to acknowledge the time of year from home, perhaps read the relevant scriptures, meditate, say thank you, should be enough. I think I was thinking attending might give me 'closure' but alternatively it might open up a can of worms.