I agree that they're not that smart
they showed by July's JW broadcasting that their main defense is their proactive public articles teaching parents to be aware of child abuse etc. such a defense is more than enough for the r&f who are content to stay blind. Next JW broadcasting, they can proudly say 'an independent expert witness stated that we are better than other organizations in our information on child protection'or some such out of context statement and they will know that the loyal ones will lap it up and won't even google the trial to find out what else was said.
what they didn't expect was that the commission would be examining the private procedures against the publicized information and finding a big difference! But they know with all the warnings on 'apostate driven lies' that most dubs won't even look outside the 'spiritual paradise' at this news. As another poster wisely quoted; 'There are none so blind as they who will not see'.