Royal Commission convened for now, but Jackson is an asshole

by umbertoecho 58 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • umbertoecho

    I have just finished listening to this man Jackson. I remember him well. He is twisting things around as much as he is allowed. Those questioning him are very skilled however, and they are posing questions to him straight from the Shepherding The Flock book. In one of those questions, it is pointed out to Jackson that the " accused is to be made as comfortable as possible". He was stumped by that question coming out of their own book.

    The questioners then put to him that there was" no mention made at all, of putting the accuser or victim at ease". When asked how he recalled this, he was evasive. The "book" was referred to again. Jackson tried to skirt the question until he finally conceded that yes, it's true, there is no mention made of how the victim/accuser, must feel and be made to feel. He sounds so smug, so utterly without feeling and full of confidence. I feel angry at this entire twisted response of the WT

  • OrphanCrow
    Did you catch Jackson's slip right at the end? He was trying to say that the victim could have support people at the hearing, but I am pretty sure that he called the victim "the guilty party".
  • AudeSapere

    Shocking. I missed the stream and hope I can find a copy of the audio AND video of this.


  • possum
    It was great! two weeks to go of probing questions using their literature. The Australian news are already talking about criminal liability for "concealment". Watching the live streaming Jackson made me feel physically sick he was so smug and self righteous. And absolutely no clue about the victims perspective?? how many times over the course of the day did both elders say "Don't know would contact legal department at branch headquarters??"

    This is what you reap as a micro-managing, legalistic, patriarchal, high-controlling, neo-Zionist, quasi-Adventist, communist, old earth creationist sect of Xianity.

    All the pretty videos and shiny tracts in the world cannot make this go away.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I only got to watch about 45 minutes or so of the feed last night. They were grilling an elder with grey hair and wearing a broadly striped tie. Is this guy the "Jackson" you're talking about? Or was GB member Jackson there and I missed it?

    Also I got the impression that he had no counsel of any kind with him. . . My wife made the comment that it looks like they hung him out to dry.

  • cattails
    That Jackson guy does sound like a smug a-hole. That's what this religion does, it rewards people like that with positions of authority!
  • Splash
    When you pair this investigation up with the current WT push to baptise minors, the whole thing looks very nefarious.
  • umbertoecho

    Orphan Cow,

    I did miss that slip up. I will try to find that in the transcript. The questioning is well done and the evasive manner of those being questioned is very obvious to those conducting the investigation. Much, much more will come out and it will not be on WT terms. Already they are asking why the society didn't feel bad for the victims and would they do things differently today. Answer..........basically the same as it has always been. Phone head quarters first. They all said that.

  • oppostate
    When you pair this investigation up with the current WT push to baptise minors, the whole thing looks very nefarious.

    The whole indoctrination of the young is a sick pattern used by WT higher-ups since the days of Rutherford. And the grooming of the young by older men pre-dates that with Russell fondling his not-really "adopted" waif while she sat on his lap as reported by Russell's own wife. In practice the WT leadership has perpetuated the use and abuse of minors for their own sick pleasure and profit.

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