Love reading this thread - so many likeminds - thank you so much for all your responses.
I relate to Sabin, the indoctrination is so strong. There are days when you feel pulled back into the fear, obligation and guilt. Thats why this site is so important, it affirms and validates what you know to be true.
I cried a lot when I first started reading jwfacts and COC, its a mixture of regret over 25 years of decisions made under the influence of the GB, opportunities lost forever, and a feeling that your entire foundation has cracked and you don't know where you fit in or what to believe anymore. At the same time there is immense relief, no longer having to go out on service, to several meetings a week, no longer feeling crap for never being good enough, no longer having to make excuses for and try to love nasty individuals in the hierarchy. Not to have to be friends with some people who you think are completely nuts and would cross the road from in real life! Free to form your own beliefs, make friends with who you want to, spend your time as you see fit. But like many, many others here, I so wish I'd done it 20 years ago.
Lurkers - seize the opportunity now and walk away, don't waste another minute living your life for 7 men on a huge ego trip.