Hi FBruv, I asked these questions when I left watchtower corp. this was mainly because they had indoctrinated me using their mind control, to ask 'where else will you go?'
I have my opinions, as we all do. These are they....respectfully of course....
I mean this with all due respect, I would like to hear from genuine people who think JW have it wrong and then what is the truth?
No one has the truth. We claim we have. Truth exists but we are clouded by our own confirmation bias.
Im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.
Is Jehovah real?
No. There is no evidence god actually exists. A life without god is exactly the same as if one believes. Which god is the real one, anyway? Zeus, Apollo, Thor, Allah.....people believe and have believed in them all. None of them ever showed or made it obvious they were even there.
The the Bible is word?
There is no evidence that the bible is god's word anymore than the quran or monty python's big red book is. There is no evidence for the fables, claims and many characters in it. It was bunged together by some bloke that decided which bit to staple together. I like Spider-man comics, the places he goes to and some people mentioned in those comics are real...it doesn't mean Spider-man exists.
If not whats the alternative?
There doesn't have to be an alternative. This is watchtower corp mind control propaganda that there has to be an alternative. Just live life. There is no need to have an alternative belief system.
I cant see how any thinking person can believe evolution.
A thinking person will actually study these things and decide for themselves. I'm sure Cofty can reccomend some fine reading material for those that doubt evolution or have a misconception of what it actually is. Personally, I don't care about evolution...I live my life NOW...it makes no difference to me how we got here now that I see no evidence for a god/s.
so assuming that there is a creator and he wrote the Bible, where have JWs gone wrong?
We cannot assume anything as to assume makes an ASS of U and ME (see what I did there?). I don't believe a creator wrote such a violent, homophobic, mysogynistic, contradicting book. (You of course, are free to belive what you want). As for what the JWs have got wrong if they insist on following the book...........sheesh...where to begin? The 2 witness rule that protects paedophiles. Going door knocking. That there was a governing body(modern term), in the 1st century. Anointed. Generations. Heaven and earth. Flood......urgh...tired already.
Is it possible that they are nearest to the truth than any other religions?
Nope. No religion 'owns' the truth. Religion is just a means to control the sheeple, the same as politics is. Religion is just politics with magic added. All religions are wrong and we really don't need them for a better society. Religion is where the trouble is.
But yes there are mistakes made.
Sadly, these 'mistakes' have cost many lives. See; Malawi, Nazi Germany, shunning that leads to suicide or mental illness, the 2 witness rule that protects paedophiles...and so on.
With respect, just saying what I see. Unky Punky.