JoinedPosts by Tornintwo
How JW ignore the help Felicity Sneesby got from the "World"
by StephaneLaliberte inlately, in the february broadcast program, at the 46 minutes mark, the watchtower provides the story of felicity sneesby.
this report focuses on how, despite her serious illness, she, along with her family, has always placed her faith in jehovah and how happy she is for being part of jehovah’s family.. i am shocked by how this jw’s report completely ignores the help that this family has received from this system of things through the years.
for instance, they slept at the ronald mcdonald house on at least 6 separate occasions and for long periods of time.
It's like how after a natural disaster they produce these videos showing them rebuilding homes, helping fellow believers (almost exclusively) but they never acknowledge the efforts of organizations like the Red Cross, Medecins Sans Frontiers, Oxfam, Save the Children, who have done a great deal more without showing any religious prejudice.Link +2 / -0 -
Bloodless Medicine....not all its cracked up to be.
by Lee Elder inthis is a pretty good example of the limitations of "bloodless medicine", and why the informed choice should always be "blood conservation" medicine, which retains the safety net of blood transfusion when medically required.
sadly, the watchtower fails to inform jws regarding these important limitations, and their potentially disastrous consequences..
I know the family of a young mum who died in such circumstances, I see the children growing up motherless and I think 'is this really what Jesus would have wanted, when he broke the Sabbath law to cure people". Last I heard the husband has stopped attending meetings and faded, poor guy, wonder how he feels about things now?Link +1 / -0 -
How JW ignore the help Felicity Sneesby got from the "World"
by StephaneLaliberte inlately, in the february broadcast program, at the 46 minutes mark, the watchtower provides the story of felicity sneesby.
this report focuses on how, despite her serious illness, she, along with her family, has always placed her faith in jehovah and how happy she is for being part of jehovah’s family.. i am shocked by how this jw’s report completely ignores the help that this family has received from this system of things through the years.
for instance, they slept at the ronald mcdonald house on at least 6 separate occasions and for long periods of time.
Very misleading piece of propaganda to encourage child baptism. There's a good article about this on jwsurvey, not sure if it's true but they also say the reason they flew to USA for treatment is because they wanted the non- blood specialist hospital there.
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What Is The Watchtower's Biggest Problem?
by minimus inthe organization has many problems.
certain doctrines are problematic.
the men who run the organizaion have issues.
After the internet I would say their biggest problem is.....elders
a group of largely uneducated men given positions of power over people's lives,a recipe for disaster. Nepotism, cliques, judgementalism, power trips, egos, cover ups for those in the hierarchy, double standards.....these men are what start to open people's eyes to the truth about this religion, 'appointed by Holy Spirit', my ass!
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Hello everyone. New here looking for info and friends
by Harvard Illiterate 411 ini sometimes was redirected to this page from reddit or another ex-jw site but never bothered to sign up.
i wanted to stay off the radar but since i'm getting dis-fellowshipped anyways and have no plans to come back what the hell.
been 22 years in the truth........... ahhhh i hate to use that expression...... bad habit but you know what i mean.
Hi Harvard and welcome to the rest of your life! I was 22 years baptised before waking up too, it's been a tough year, feeling duped, angry, bitter at lost opportunities, sad at the stress I caused my kids...but now I'm moving on, feel free, unburdened and the f.o.g. Is lifting (fear, obligation, guilt ...learned that one here).
This board is a great source of comfort, only ex jws understand, and they're a funny lot too. I can't visit so much now coz I'm working my ass off to avoid the financial disaster that 22 yrs a watchtower slave brought me to, but it's a great healer. I'm still a believer, just, and some here will challenge that, but debate and critical analysis is healthy and refreshing after having only prescribed opinions so long. Occasionally we get trolls trying to pull us back in to the 'troof' but it's just amusing, why are they here on an 'apostate' site? Hey do they want us to be miserable and trapped too?
We're free, we don't look forward to a global massacre of billions of men, women and children anymore, just so that we can pet pandas forever, were part of the human race again and we can contribute meaningfully to life! Enjoy!
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I lied to the elders
by atacrossroads ini stopped attending meetings all together in january 2015. before that my attendance was irregular at best.
my husband followed suit a few months ago after months of research, agony, and indecision on his part.
from the very beginning i laid low and did not share with anyone what i found out about the witnesses because i did not want to be df'd.
"I told my mother a year or two ago that I would still like to have a relationship with her and what she said to me was, "I would too but what's the point? You're about to be killed at Armageddon anyway."
OMG that is some messed up indoctrination. Wow. I am so sorry for you but so glad you have such a healthy outlook on it.
To consider we thought this was the true religion, Jeeesh!
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I lied to the elders
by atacrossroads ini stopped attending meetings all together in january 2015. before that my attendance was irregular at best.
my husband followed suit a few months ago after months of research, agony, and indecision on his part.
from the very beginning i laid low and did not share with anyone what i found out about the witnesses because i did not want to be df'd.
Crossroads, well done for not letting them have power over you.
we all lose it with our family members from time to time, how ridiculous it would be if every time we do we had to explain our actions to some external body. You and your family's issues are nobody else's business. It's tragic that they are prepared to lose their daughter over a different in faith, but it's just sad evidence of their complete indoctrination.
It's just mind boggling that the witnesses have fought in the courts for freedom of religion, yet when one of their own exercises that right, they seek to destroy their life. Imagine if when they went on the doors to convert people, all of those converts were shunned completely by their non jw family. Personally I converted from CofE, my parents were disappointed because they thought (rightly) that jws were a cult, but they continued to support me and my jw husband emotionally for over 20 years. My husband converted from Catholicism, again his family were confused, disappointed, but they continue to love, support and communicate with him to this day. How many jws are grateful that other religions don't enforce such harsh shunning practices. Evidence alone this is not the true religion identified by love.
i am so sad for you facing the loss of your family. I would write them one sign off and then leave the ball in their court, something like:
I love you deeply and I want you to know I will always be here for you whenever you need me, and I a will always want a loving relationship with you, we have big issues to face in our future, the possibility of grandchildren, or inevitable old age and sickness, things which should bring a family together. I have changed my beliefs, I am sorry that is hard for you to understand, but I haven't changed my love for my family. I hope that you can respect we have different views from now on and 'agree to disagree', I won't critisise your faith and am sorry if I have done so, if you don't criticize my beliefs and decisions either. But we can continue to support eachother. If you feel you must shun me and my husband I am sorry and heartbroken for that, if you do so because of what the writers of the WT have told you to do, please remember that they will not suffer in anyway for giving that counsel, but you will and I will suffer greatly if you follow it and sever our family relationship. The choice is yours.
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Trey Bundy: One Year of Reporting JW Child Abuse - Your comments please!
by AndersonsInfo in
trey bundy: one year of reporting jw child abuse.
it’s been one year since trey bundy first reported the watchtower’s child abuse problems.. twelve months ago the center for investigative reporting (cir) began publishing information about jehovah’s witnesses and their cover-up of child sexual abuse on their website, reveal.
Trey Bundy's reports helped wake me up last year, it was a time in the early days of doubting that I wouldn't read any 'apostate' literature, but reports from an independent news agency were perfectly acceptable to me. His reports on the Lopez case linked to the actual court documents, irrefutable evidence not even the most ardent jw apologist could not deny. Independent news reports like this are invaluable, even jws can read them guilt free, if only more would.
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BBC Radio 4. 14th February 2016. ''Sunday'' program with article on Witnesses and child abuse.
by ThomasCovenant inthe sunday programme investigates allegations that the jehovah's witness ordered the destruction of documents that could be used during the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse.
was this in contravention of section 21 of the inquiries act 2005 which is punishable by imprisonment?.
Wow, excellent stuff, would love to see this on the main tv news.
Does anyone else think this could be a calculated risk by the org?
I mean as I understand it they lost the Lopez case in the USA because they didn't want to give up their database, which wasn't great press, but wasn't it a lot, lot worse when the ARC revealed the 1006 hidden peodophiles in Australia? I think they're burning out their shredders in the uk, I mean it's much easier to explain to your members that you accidentally destroyed files thinking you were doing the right thing under data protection law, than to explain why you haven't reported thousands of abusers to the authorities. If they get prosecuted they'll plead persecution, keeping their members onside is their priority.
I hope the law brings its full weight against them and they lose their charitable status.
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Did you get " Counseled " about the Music you Listened to While you were a JW ?
by flipper infrom the time i was a small boy - i loved rock n' roll music.
beatles, rolling stones, led zeppelin, hendrix.
i started getting slighted for the music i listened to as i lay in my bedroom listening on headphones to led zeppelin's song " black dog " at age 14 with my elder dad looking suspiciously at me as i'm rocking out .
This kind of judgemental crap is still alive and well, with double standards aplenty for elders and their families. Last year my daughter got friendly with 2 girls who's elder dad had moved the family from the states. She used to laugh about the gangster rap they were into, but in a lighthearted way, these are middle class girls who think they're from the hood or something, using the n word, ratchet etc. my daughter is into indie rock, some quite heavy stuff, but we always kept an eye that the lyrics weren't explicit and we're otherwise very liberal. Anyway these girls were my daughters only piers in the cong and her closest friends for a while until.......they cooled it inexplicably, stopped inviting her over etc, managed to get her excluded from social events. my daughter then 14 was devastated and left lonely and isolated, with little socialising at the weekend, but they would never admit what the problem was. It was this time she started self harm as her self esteem plummeted wondering 'what's wrong with me?' The only clue we were ever given is when their elder dad went on service with my husband and commented "we're concerned about your daughters taste in music..."
hyopocritical, judgemental, nasty, cliquey, awful people. Their Hallmark is love my ass, hallmark is judgementalism.