Well, lets look at it this way. If we didn't argue and have differening opinions, we'd be just like a certain organization that we're all familiar with that requires nobody disagree with them and opinions are not tolerated. And if you do disagree, then your ass is no longer welcome. So while I don't enjoy fighting, at least we have the free minds to express ourselves and disagree.
JoinedPosts by jimbob
The Society is Loving all this Fighting
by LovesDubs inyou know they read this.
you know they love it when we fight.
you know we feed directly into their twisted logic that they have love and we dont....when we fight and hurt each other its like turning on all the lights during a blitz...the enemy can see where you are and can destroy you.
What TV shows couldn't you watch as a JW Kid?
by WTLies inwe had a whole list of shows we were not allowed to watch including 'speed racer', you'll never guess why.
it was beacuse in the theme song it says "he's a demon on wheels" but then my mother was a jw fanatic lol.
Bewitched....Casper the Friendly Ghost....the Munsters....boy, I was a depressed child!
Might as well jump in...
by Cygnus ini have seen (edited to add the word "posted" here, for clarification purposes) on this board that bill bowen is still a jw at heart, and i have seen posts and transcipts of his where he refers to the "christian" way of handling matters.
i have it on good authority that bill is not concerned with the bible, and that he is as far from being a jw as could be (religiously speaking).
bill has refused to answer my inquiries as well as others' when asked about his position on religious/jw matters that have a bearing on his silentlambs credibility based upon direct statements made by him.
Nathan said:
How about you, Jimbob? You too, Cygnus - do you agree with the Watchtower Society that pedophiles should be protected and sheltered? Do you support your local pedophile?
I understand that I haven't been on this board for a very long time and that you don't know me too well. So I don't understand your reason for asking this completely dumb-ass question. My answer is an absolute NO!! If you care to elaborate as to how you came to the reason as to why you needed to ask me this question......please do. I stated that I do not care whether or not Bill Bowen believes in Watchtower doctrine. I fail to see how that has anything to do with if I agree on the WTS on sheltering pedophiles.
Edited by - jimbob on 10 October 2002 18:34:57
Might as well jump in...
by Cygnus ini have seen (edited to add the word "posted" here, for clarification purposes) on this board that bill bowen is still a jw at heart, and i have seen posts and transcipts of his where he refers to the "christian" way of handling matters.
i have it on good authority that bill is not concerned with the bible, and that he is as far from being a jw as could be (religiously speaking).
bill has refused to answer my inquiries as well as others' when asked about his position on religious/jw matters that have a bearing on his silentlambs credibility based upon direct statements made by him.
I was referring to being "kicked out" from a JW perspective. It doesn't matter if you quit going for years and then were df'd. From a JW point of view, you were "kicked out". But yes, I am aware that Mr. Bowen had stopped being a regular meeting attender for some time before getting the ax. I'm sure they made sure he got regular shepherding visits when they didn't see him at the meetings anymore........
Is Ray Franz Great or What?
by silentlambs inthis evening i had a nice conversation with ray and we discussed our previous conversation.
while our previous conversation was remembered differently in certain areas we agreed that we should be peaceful with one another, i apologized for any misunderstanding and decided as a result to remove any negative comments made about him.
i do believe our discussion was productive and will help us both to be more supportive of one another in the future.
Glad to see you following WTS direction in taking the problem to your brother first before going to the elders.
Might as well jump in...
by Cygnus ini have seen (edited to add the word "posted" here, for clarification purposes) on this board that bill bowen is still a jw at heart, and i have seen posts and transcipts of his where he refers to the "christian" way of handling matters.
i have it on good authority that bill is not concerned with the bible, and that he is as far from being a jw as could be (religiously speaking).
bill has refused to answer my inquiries as well as others' when asked about his position on religious/jw matters that have a bearing on his silentlambs credibility based upon direct statements made by him.
I'm afraid that I will have to agree with Cygnus on this one. I have a brother that lives in Kentucky and happens to be an elder. I spoke with him about a month ago and casually brought up Bill Bowen (I wanted to know what his opinion was) and asked what he is like. My brother told me that his wife spoke with a sister that attends the same congregation that Bill left. (I guess, "kicked out" is a better term) He told me he is very far removed from the JW mentality, so-to-speak. My brother, who is a staunch elder, said in part of his conversation with me.....and I quote, "That man is so far gone". Of course, my brother called him an apostate. Now, Bill may feel differently, and it's not for me or us to judge or say what Bill does or doesn't believe or feel about the WTS. He's made it clear on his website that his concern his about abuse survivors. This is just what I was told. If Bill says he still believes every single belief and doctrine of the WTS, then that's his perogative. The same goes for the opposite. I for one do not care what his take on WTS beliefs are.
Ray Franz Key Witness?!
by qwerty inthis may have been a topic before on the board.
it would be suprising if anyone else as not thought of this.. with regards to the 5 governing body members who have been named as child abusers.
would ray franz be able to confirm these aligations?
I have been reading all these replies, and thought I'd give my two cents. It is quite obvious that Bill is attacking Ray Franz when Ray has about as much obligation to support the Silentlambs movement as does George Bush. I feel very strongly the reason why Bill is so intent on trying to get his support, as well as Reinhard Lengtat's is that these are obviously two prominent individuals in the ex-JW community. Hell, they were once prominent in the regular JW community. I liken it to a business that's starting up. You want to advertise, and of course, the best way to advertise is to get someone well known to speak in your behalf and have them tell you how much they support whatever business you're in. Look what Michael Jordan did for Nike. Granted......this is on a much smaller scale, and Bill certainly isn't going to pay anything monetary to any such individual, but by being able to say that you have the support of the legendary Ray Franz and Reinhard Lengtat, Bill Bowen feels it would do wonders for the Silentlambs movement. Unfortunately, Bill is using negativity to try and coerce these individuals to support him. Bill.....you need to realize this and let it DIE! If Ray Franz decided at this point in his life he was completely wrong and went back to meetings so he could get reinstated because he wanted to become a regular pioneer.......that's his business. Sure we'd probably ridicule, but I think Ray, not anyone else, knows what's in HIS best interests. So please put this to rest!!!!!!!
Edited by - jimbob on 9 October 2002 23:46:8
Edited by - jimbob on 10 October 2002 0:11:1
Are you loyal??? (WT quotes to feel guilty by)
by jimbob ini was doing some research on the wt cd, trying to find an experience i remember really frightened me into never leaving the org..(that's what it takes now to keep people from leaving...fright!
) and i stumbled upon these quotes from the 3/15/96 watchtower...... 10 loyalty to jehovahs visible organization also means having nothing to do with apostates.
loyal christians will not be curious about what such people have to say.
I wanted to reply briefly to something you stated:
They (JW's) live in fear. So sad. They are actually AFRAID to take the effort necessary to see if their beliefs are the actual truth. They are NOT ALLOWED to research or ask questions, because if you do so, it is considered to be going against their organization.
When I read this, it made me think specifically about the 1975 debacle. Going into District Conventions, there were always people standing out front holding their signs that ALWAYS made mention of the 1975 fiasco. Now, being a good dub I ignored them. But always nawing at the back of my brain was......what is this 1975 thing all about? You see, I knew the "apostates" always talked about it, and I always chalked it up to lies. But deep down I wanted to investigate, not by reading apostate material, mind you.......but by actually looking up material in the Society's publications to see what they had to say. But I was so afraid to do that, because I thought I would be apostate by doing that.....EVEN LOOKING UP SUBJECTS THAT WERE IN THEIR OWN MAGAZINES. That's how much they can control someone. Well......needless to say, I did look up info, and not just in their stuff........
Are you loyal??? (WT quotes to feel guilty by)
by jimbob ini was doing some research on the wt cd, trying to find an experience i remember really frightened me into never leaving the org..(that's what it takes now to keep people from leaving...fright!
) and i stumbled upon these quotes from the 3/15/96 watchtower...... 10 loyalty to jehovahs visible organization also means having nothing to do with apostates.
loyal christians will not be curious about what such people have to say.
I was doing some research on the WT CD, trying to find an experience I remember really frightened me into never leaving the org..(that's what it takes now to keep people from leaving...fright!) and I stumbled upon these quotes from the 3/15/96 Watchtower.....
Loyalty to Jehovahs visible organization also means having nothing to do with apostates. Loyal Christians will not be curious about what such people have to say. True, those being used by Jehovah God to direct his work on earth are not perfect. But what does Gods Word tell us to do? Leave Gods organization? No. Brotherly affection should keep us loyal to it, and we should continue to "love one another intensely from the heart."1 Peter 1:22.12
Loyalty presents particular challenges to elders. One of these challenges is the matter of confidentiality. A member of a congregation may confide in an elder. Loyalty to that one will keep the elder from violating the principle of confidentiality. He will heed the counsel at Proverbs 25:9: "Do not reveal the confidential talk of another." That means not even to his own wife!14
There are other aspects to the matter of meeting the challenge of loyalty to the congregation and its elders. If there are somewhat troubled conditions in the congregation, this gives us opportunity to display loyalty to Jehovah and to those representing him. (See The Watchtower, June 15, 1987, pages 15-17.) When there has been a disfellowshipping, loyalty requires that we back up the elders, not trying to second-guess whether there were sufficient reasons for the action taken.So first they tell you, you aren't loyal if you listen to people who really know what's going on. (Scare tactic so you won't leave) Next, they basically incriminate themselves with regards to not making everyone aware of a molester, like they should!! My favorite part is how they can't tell their wives. If that's the case, how come elder's wives always know everything that's going on in the congregation???? Hmmmmm. And finally, we're supposed to back up the elders and their completely ludicrous decision making! I guess you can say I'm not "loyal" anymore.
Anyway, the experience I was looking for, (and maybe some of you will remember this, I hope) was in either the WT or Awake some time ago (I can't remember) and it spoke of a young man who one day decided he didn't want the truth anymore and told his parents. That night he went to a night club or something (again, I can't remember completely) and was shot and killed. And of course the moral of the story from the Society was if you even think about leaving, you will be killed. I was so scared when I read this and for years thought that if I ever made a conscientious decision to leave I would be killed. Hmmmmm.....that's funny......I'm still alive. Anyway, I mentioned in a couple of threads that soon I will tell my story. I will say this much......I've been raised in the truth and had the opportunity to work with Marilyn (aka Mulan) in the drama back in '95 in Tacoma, and was also in Reinhard Lengtat's congregation for several years. Details to come..........
What is an Elder?
by footprints inbecause this site has taken a survey of past or current elders and posted a list, i think it is important to make it clear that: not one elder was appointed by holy spirit.. current and ex elders are no more special or important than anyone else.
in fact some are a lot less trustworthy than the average.. .
on this note i would like to hear from all of you two things:.
What is an elder, you ask? One word........a
I think that pretty much sums it up!!!!