Marilyn...I can totally understand the frustration you might have of having anyone think you'd have regrets in leaving the org. I know if it was me, I'd probably casually mention something to let her know how happy you are and that you don't ever regret any decision you made regarding the truth. I have finally told my family...they actually took it okay...but the reason I gave was that I was burned out on it. If I said anything negative at all, they would probably label me an apostate..and I can't have that. So in a way..I feel a little frustrated like you, in that I'd like to be able to say everything I really feel, but I can't. So I guess if you feel like what your grandmother said won't really go any farther, then I'd probably let it go too. But if you think she's gonna blab that to every JW she talks with, then perhaps you might want to set her straight. I hate that they think that once you leave the org, your life is in ruins and you're soooooo unhappy, when it's quite the opposite. Anyway, the wife hasn't let her family know yet....I'm sure it's just a matter of days now. Take care..
JoinedPosts by jimbob
What do you suggest I do about this?
by Mulan inmy 90 year old jw mother told a friend of mine this yesterday: "marilyn said that not a day goes by that she doesn't regret leaving the truth.
" my friend called me to report it to me, because she knows better.. what i told mom is this: "i hope someday i will come to a time when i can forget i was ever a jw, and don't think about it every day.".
she got something different out of it than what i intended.. i don't care that she told this particular friend, but i would hate it if she is saying that to other people in her congregation.
What Is The Hardest Thing About Leaving The Truth?
by minimus inif you've left or are considering leaving the "truth", what is the most difficult thing that you must deal with?
is it losing family or friends?
is it feeling isolated?
Well, I'd have to agree with most on this, that the hardest thing is losing your family and friends. When you've been in the org for a long time and made lots of friends over the years, it does hurt to have them not want to be friends with you anymore. Guess it kinda shows how superficial and conditional friendships in the org are. But the wife and I have noticed the few friends we've made outside the org are friends with you for who you are....not whether you go to meetings and get in your required field service that is quite a refreshing change. Having family not want to see and talk with you hurts too. They will always try to guilt you into going back. It's amazing to me how the Society says they feel family relationships are so important to them.....I guess they're important as long as you obey the Society. How sad!!
Edited by - jimbob on 12 November 2002 22:34:0
The "keystone" of the Watchtower.
by thinker inrecently someone here wrote a thread which basically said that if a certain gb member had only spoken up and proclaimed that 1914 was a proven incorrect date, then the whole watchtower organization would have crumbled.
1914 was claimed to be the essential doctrine of the wt.
i humbly disagree.
NeonMadman stated:
Exactly. And because of that, all those other doctrines mean nothing. If the FDS came out next week and announced that there is a Trinity after all, or that all saved persons will actually go to Heaven, the vast majority of JW's would accept it as a marvelous provision of "new light" from Jehovah. I think it would be similar if the FDS decided the moon was made of green cheese. Once you accept the authority of the organization, everything else follows. Unfortunately, I think that would still be true if they started passing out poison Kool-Aid at the district conventions. That's why the JW's are a cult, not just another religion - its members have subverted their will to that of the leadership.
WELL SAID! Now that's what I call "the truth"!!!!!!!
The double dog dare at the Kingdom Hall
by Princess inlast night i posted a picture of my watchtower jack o'lantern and lyin eyes double dog dared me to take it to the kingdom hall.
sooo................. after the trick or treating was over, we loaded the kids in the minivan and drove to the kingdom hall.
i put the pumpkin on the railing on the front porch right in front of the main entrance.
Mulan.....check your e-mail.......
The double dog dare at the Kingdom Hall
by Princess inlast night i posted a picture of my watchtower jack o'lantern and lyin eyes double dog dared me to take it to the kingdom hall.
sooo................. after the trick or treating was over, we loaded the kids in the minivan and drove to the kingdom hall.
i put the pumpkin on the railing on the front porch right in front of the main entrance.
I don't mean to leave you hanging, Marilyn. So please don't think I'm trying to be mean or anything. Once word is out about me leaving, then I'll e-mail you to let you know who I am...and even then, I'd appreciate both you and Dave's confidentiality. I hope you understand....
The double dog dare at the Kingdom Hall
by Princess inlast night i posted a picture of my watchtower jack o'lantern and lyin eyes double dog dared me to take it to the kingdom hall.
sooo................. after the trick or treating was over, we loaded the kids in the minivan and drove to the kingdom hall.
i put the pumpkin on the railing on the front porch right in front of the main entrance.
Edited by - jimbob on 1 November 2002 21:13:5
Are You Embarrassed To Admit You Were A Witness?
by minimus inif the subject of religion or even jehovah's witnesses ringing your doorbell has come up, do you shy away from talking about ever being a witness?
some have indicated that they felt stupid for ever believing in the watchtower.
others have said they have a responsibility to help others not get involved in this "cult".
Actually for me, it was just the opposite. All through school and for every job I had, I never told anyone I was a witness because I was too embarassed. The Society always was telling you not to hold back and be afraid, but be bold in telling people you were a witness.........well NOT ME!!! I never told a soul. Now that I'm out, I had someone recently ask me if I was religious, and for the first time in my life, I felt comfortable telling them that I USED to be a Jehovah's Witness, but no longer practice. Of course they asked why and I just told them I couldn't mentally take it anymore. It feels like a huge weight lifted off of me!! I am now completely comfortable in telling someone if they ask. I no longer feel shame and have to worry about someone asking why I don't celebrate Christmas, or why I don't do this.....or why I don't do that........I CAN BREATHE FINALLY!!!
The double dog dare at the Kingdom Hall
by Princess inlast night i posted a picture of my watchtower jack o'lantern and lyin eyes double dog dared me to take it to the kingdom hall.
sooo................. after the trick or treating was over, we loaded the kids in the minivan and drove to the kingdom hall.
i put the pumpkin on the railing on the front porch right in front of the main entrance.
Hi Marilyn....I know if you were a cat, you'd be dead by now of curiousity. The time is getting closer for me to tell you who I am. We still haven't told our families yet that we are out, but the elders and people in our congregation have been phoning and stopping by on the weekends to see what has happened to us. We haven't answered the phone and the times that they've stopped by at the house, we don't answer the door.....of course I had the stereo blasting one morning, so they pretty much have figured out that we're ignoring them. (They should've realized that some time ago) If it goes too much longer that they don't hear from someone that we've quit going, we are going to spill the beans to them. I guess we've just been hoping that the rumor mill would have worked it's way back to them and we wouldn't have to bring it up. I have been really thinking about stopping by Reinhart's place and talking with him. I don't know how he feels about that. I would definitely call him first. I wouldn't stop by unannounced. It would be really nice to visit with him.
The double dog dare at the Kingdom Hall
by Princess inlast night i posted a picture of my watchtower jack o'lantern and lyin eyes double dog dared me to take it to the kingdom hall.
sooo................. after the trick or treating was over, we loaded the kids in the minivan and drove to the kingdom hall.
i put the pumpkin on the railing on the front porch right in front of the main entrance.
Hi Rachel........I have relatives that go to that hall. And they have Thursday night meeting. I'll have to inquire as to what they thought of their suprise on their doorstep.........
My DA Letter
by LB ini thought about writing "i quit" but it got a little wordier than i expected.
but i'm sending this off monday morning.
i've used a little info gathered here on this site but mostly it's my thoughts.
Hi LB. I thought that was a great letter. I also showed my wife who agreed with me. If we were going to write a letter ourselves, I'd definitely copy and paste yours.... I wish we could, but due to the circumstances with the wife's family, we can't. I do applaude your efforts. Hopefully whoever ends up reading your letter will seriously look at the issues you've brought up, rather than skim it and put it in the file with all the others............We wish your family the best!