I've only been out of the org since August, but up until that time, I can tell you that it was probably years since I actually went door to door. Everytime I went in a car group, everyone either wanted to do RV's or a few scattered not- at-homes. (Which was just fine by me, I always hated service anyway) I believe the pioneers went door to door during the week, but of course, nobody is ever home during the week, so that's why nobody ever sees them, except for maybe the UPS guy or the postal workers. Even the elders and servants hardly ever went door to door, always RV's. I firmly believe that most, if not all, witnesses hate service........they only do it cause they have to or are told to. I knew so many miserable pioneers that hate service and only talk about "getting in their time". What a life, huh????? I'm so glad I'm out!!!!!!!!!