Minimus.....this is true. Both my wife and I feel very strongly that the Society is all about guilt. As long as you are in the borg, you will always feel guilty. Guilty for not studying enough, or praying enough, or going out in service enough, etc....
The Society continues to try to manipulate weak minded people.
While this is true because there are weak minded people in the borg, I also feel that there are also ones who aren't. I never felt I was weak minded, but yet I always had guilt. I feel it's just part of what the Society does to try and keep people from leaving and to keep them in line. When you've grown up in it, you don't know anything else and you feel you must obey the Society. And if they tell you to do something, then you should be doing it. And if you aren't, then guilt sets in. Because I'm not weak minded, I was able to finally see through the smoke and become guilt free. Unfortunately, there are many who are weak minded and will forever be blinded.