WHAT IS YOUR PRIORITY? That is the article that's on page 8 of the Feb. KM. Notice some quotes." Many religious organizations place emphasis on doing charitable works, such as providing facilities for secular education or medical needs. Jehovah's Witnesses, however, while not forgetting the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, give priority to helping people spiritually.....What about us? Do we give priority to the work of proclaiming the Kingdom good news and making disciples?....It is good periodically to consider if we can make adjustments so as to have a fuller share in the preaching work. One sister had been a regular pioneer during the '50's, '60's, and '70's but found it necessary to stop because of poor health. In time, however, her health improved. She recently reevaluated her circumstances and determined that she could pioneer again. How happy she was to attend the Pioneer Service School at the age of 90! How about you? Are you nearing retirement or graduation? Might your changed circumstances allow you to pioneer?....Can you simplify your lifestyle? Is it really necessary for both husband and wife to be secularly employed? If adjustments are made, can the family live on just one income?"..........................Well, any thoughts???
New KM Tries To Make Old & Young Feel Guilt...
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
What program, exactly, do Jehovah's Witnesses have for "doing good and sharing things with others"? This scripture is talking about material needs.
Like James 2:16 says, "[If] a certain one you says to them [unclothed and hungry ones] 'Go in peace, keep warm and well fed,' but you do not give them the necessities for their body, of what benefit is it?"
JW's in effect say "go keep warm and well fed" but leave it at that, trusting that their literature peddling and giving people "hope" will make up for what they lack in physical charity.
Edited by - Gopher on 21 January 2003 22:26:37
minimus, I just got my Kingdom Manifesto. I was watching TV the other night where a religious organization was feeding, clothing, and medically helping children and their families. Now who would be alive for the JWs to call on if these groups didn't do this?
More shame material in the "Preach and Give a Thorough Witness" article:
"An 80-year-old sister with many health problems was stirred"
"to auxiliary pioneer in spite of serious health concerns."
"show our sincere appreciation for Christ's ransom sacrifice by increasing our activity in the field ministry."
Blondie (no longer part of any shame-based group)
Gopher is absolutely right....what good things do they do for others?? If they think peddling a couple of magazines every Saturday morning is "doing good", they're sadly mistaken. It's always amazed me how they put down any type of community service that helps others because in their eyes it's pointless, because after all, only god's kingdom will solve all problems.
Is it really necessary for both husband and wife to be secularly employed?
Once again, they have laid the guilt trip on the R&F. Unless the WTBTS is going to start sending out monthly checks to everyone, what business do they have even questioning whether or not it is necessary for both spouses to work? The WTBTS isn't paying for bills, or putting money away for retirement for me, so what concern is it of theirs if we both work? This just kills me! The guilt they lay upon everyone is ridiculous. For years my wife has felt guilty for working because the Society indoctrinates the Witnesses that it isn't right for both spouses to work. One should work and the other pioneer. Since we've left the borg, she's finally beginning to accept the fact that a woman can have a career. The Society has always made the women feel bad if they work outside the home and don't pioneer. (Especially if the husband has a lucrative career already) I feel sorry for those still in!! -
It's all about GUILT!!! The Society wants everyone to feel guilty. How will a poor elderly brother or sister that can barely get 15 minutes of time per month feel when they read this article? They'll feel awful. If a 90 yr. old sickly person can regular pioneer, why can't I? Why do I not WANT to do the same? I MUST be bad. What's wrong with me? Is my spirituality weak? Does Jehovah look upon me in a negative way?..........The Society continues to try to manipulate weak minded people.
Minimus.....this is true. Both my wife and I feel very strongly that the Society is all about guilt. As long as you are in the borg, you will always feel guilty. Guilty for not studying enough, or praying enough, or going out in service enough, etc....
The Society continues to try to manipulate weak minded people.
While this is true because there are weak minded people in the borg, I also feel that there are also ones who aren't. I never felt I was weak minded, but yet I always had guilt. I feel it's just part of what the Society does to try and keep people from leaving and to keep them in line. When you've grown up in it, you don't know anything else and you feel you must obey the Society. And if they tell you to do something, then you should be doing it. And if you aren't, then guilt sets in. Because I'm not weak minded, I was able to finally see through the smoke and become guilt free. Unfortunately, there are many who are weak minded and will forever be blinded.
Good point about the scripture in James Gopher. Even though James obviously talks about a logical relationship between faith and works, the society's attitude reflects their desire to have you put your faith IN the works - actually not even that, it's only in one type of work - field service.
The scriptures in James clearly points to the very simple principle that your faith is demonstrated BY your works, that is to say your works reveals what you believe in - same basic idea that's behind the principle "you will know them BY their fruits." It's simple, if you believe in something your work naturally reflects that. The works of the witnesses clearly reflect that they only believe in the field service work - which amounts to little more than talk and dispensing literature. If it is more than the FORM of the work like the number of hourse spent in pioneering, then it would only make sense that they talk more about how they were able to help someone live a better life and so on. Not that these experiences don't exist, but there are so many of these "I became a pioneer!" experiences, which in itself means nothing of course, other than the fact that you're putting in those hours. What about something like the widow that put in a few coins of little value? Oh, but that's not impressive you see. Who wants to read about some little old lady who only puts in 5 hours a month, even if that's all she can do? Worse yet, maybe her works doesn't even come in the form of field service! What if she's just a really nice old lady that does kind things for those around her? I guess you can't count hours doing that, so she wouldn't count. The fact is, though, people contribute to the spirituality of others in all sorts of different ways, as many as there are in life. The narrow outlook that prevents the witnesses from seeing this is the same view that keeps them in their belief system. And that's how dead works, work.
Jehovah's Witnesses, however, while not forgetting the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, give priority to helping people spiritually.....What about us? Do we give priority to the work of proclaiming the Kingdom good news and making disciples?....It is good periodically to consider if we can make adjustments so as to have a fuller share in the preaching work.
Same old shit. Others have postulated that these articles are written by computer programs. I'm starting to wonder!
I always felt such overwhelming guilt when I was in the borg. I'm so glad to have broken free from them.
I seem to have been consumed by guilt for most of my life. As a RC, I was guilty. As a JW, I was guilty. I never felt good enough. I am so sick of feeling guilty just for being alive!
This KM stinks to high heaven!