What did I dream about at assemblies? What every normal, young guy, who can't have sex until he's married, dreams about................................pioneering and going to bethel, of course!!!
JoinedPosts by jimbob
What did you day dream about at assemblies?
by lastcall inas a kid i would try to pay attention, but i just couldn't hang in there.
if i didn't day dream i was going to go insane.. i used to create scenarios in my mind that i was a jw super hero.
i had a special costume that was partially made of "flubber" that would allow me to bounce all over the auditorium.
Rosie O'Donnell reads the Watchtower....
by jimbob inokay...i don't know if she reads it or not...but check out the pic on the link below.
she probably picked it up off the street and was looking for a trash can.... .
It works now...it's the same link, so I don't know why it didn't work before....
Rosie O'Donnell reads the Watchtower....
by jimbob inokay...i don't know if she reads it or not...but check out the pic on the link below.
she probably picked it up off the street and was looking for a trash can.... .
I don't know why the link isn't working...
Rosie O'Donnell reads the Watchtower....
by jimbob inokay...i don't know if she reads it or not...but check out the pic on the link below.
she probably picked it up off the street and was looking for a trash can.... .
Okay...the link didn't work..so let's try this one...
Rosie O'Donnell reads the Watchtower....
by jimbob inokay...i don't know if she reads it or not...but check out the pic on the link below.
she probably picked it up off the street and was looking for a trash can.... .
Okay...I don't know if she reads it or not...but check out the pic on the link below. She probably picked it up off the street and was looking for a trash can...
1995 "generation change", what were your early thoughts and what was said ?
by run dont walk ini had been long gone by 1995, had i still been in , this would of definitely sent me packing, when the magazines came out in i believe nov 1995, what was your first or early reactions.
what was said from the platform and by the watchtower about this ?.
could someone please post the articles ??????
Well, to be honest, I didn't even pay attention. Rarely did I ever pay attention at meetings. My mind was always somewhere else. (Gee...I can't understand why...:) I was even an MS at the time the "new light" came out. So I didn't even know about the change until I started questioning things. But once I finally read that, it was just another nail in the coffin. I bet if you asked the average JW today what the meaning of the generation is, they'd still quote you the old doctrine. The Society sneaks so much stuff by you, that most of us go "OK" and just keep believing. We don't even give it a second thought. It just makes you realize how much of a cult the JW religion is. We learned to just accept whatever is said from the Society....NO QUESTIONS ASKED!! Of course, the minute you start asking questions, you already got one foot out the door, cause you can't contain the genie once the bottle's been rubbed....
Circuit overseer "rips them a new one"
by Mulan inmy jw buddy just called me with some "fun" news.
they had the co last week, and of course dave and i were part of the elder's meeting agenda.
my friend has just had a conversation with one of the elders, who told her about it because it involved her.
Hi Marilyn. I'm assuming this friend was the same "friend" we've talked about before. I wonder what her husband had to say about all this??? It never ceases to amaze me the stupidity of JWs and how they have nothing better to do. This is just like before we moved and we had our PO and his wife coming by our home and spying on us. Little did we know how much they spied on us until our neighbors told us how often he drove by our home. I can't frickin believe they have nothing better to do. Thank god we moved and nobody bothers us anymore. I know if they see any hint of Christmas at your house, they'll be back. They're just looking for any reason to DA you guys. They just don't accept the fact the someone can just up and quit....they have to have closure either by DFing or DAing people. I truly feel sorry for them...they just don't get it!
Just curious, what have some of you done with your exspensive book bags?
by Singing Man ini use my book bag to store my computer soft ware in its perfect for that.
and as for all the old issues of magazines i used them to start my wood stove on those cold mornings.
one time i asked for a lot of older issues from the friends so i could use them to line the bottom of my camp tent, they were more than happy to give them to me.
I took mine to the local transfer station along with all of the publications. Going to the dump never felt so good!!!!
Older ones here, what do you remember being told about 1975 ???
by run dont walk in.
i was just a little kid when the 1975 thing came about, didn't pay much attention to it, after it was over, my parents told me it was just some people being over anxious, and being about 8 at the time i believed it, now when you research you find some amazing articles.
what do you remember being told about 1975 as the year got closer ?
I was only 8 at the time. But my mother used to tell me how at assemblies, they would tell all the mothers in the audience how their children would never have to finish school. And just think, in just over 3 more years, I'll be attending my 20 year high school reunion...
I have had a few conversations with my JW mom about 1975, and she agrees that the Society put it in everyone's head that the end was coming. But she just views it as re-adjusted thinking and they were just over zealous about the end. People of my generation that are still JWs really have no idea what happened back then, and they will never research it cause it happened so long ago and they think it's irrelevant anyway cause new light has flashed forth and there's new understanding. If only they could take their blinders off and see how they've been lied to.....but we all know that won't ever happen under the gestapo rule of the Society.
Series Of Tragedies Continues Among Jehovah's Witnesses In Washington State
by qua indo these things including the sending of convicted pedophiles door-to-door upset you too?
then why not make contribution checks payable to silentlambs at silentlambs, po box 311, calvert city, ky 42029.
imagine, for every revealing article that hits the paper there may be ninety-nine that stay untold.
Hi Nathan. Yes, he is a baptized dub. He was dunked in prison. I remember him telling me they were going to have to dunk him in a barrel cause that was all that they had. But I did talk with my mother tonight to get an update.
He is currently attending her congregation. He started immediately after he got here. She hasn't talked to him, but she said everybody is cautious. They all know who he is...but of course, when your name and picture is plastered all over the news, how can you NOT know. She told me he answers and they call him "brother Thompson". I'm sure they chalk it up to another terrible person who's turned over a new leaf since he joined the JW religion. But no matter what, he will carry his past for the remainder of his existence...JW or no JW. I'm sure the elders watch him pretty close. I think any religion would watch a convicted rapist closely. Even the JW's. But in the meantime, they will continue, I'm sure, to show him "brotherly love". I think he's a sick bastard who should've stayed locked up. My mother said her hall gets all the wackos. (and believe me, it does) If I hear anymore info, I'll be sure and post it. I'm sure the elders will promote him soon so he can be in on all the juicy committee meetings and counsel them on fornication and molestation issues. (I'm kidding here....but then again, nothing in the JW religion surprises me anymore)