Now he's gone from raping to murder?? I hope to god they give him the death penalty!! Of course, then the JW's will say he's paid for his crime with death and be resurrected...
JoinedPosts by jimbob
Detectives suspect Brother Thompson of MURDER
by Nathan Natas in
disabled woman found dead in seattle apartment complex
09:19 am pdt on friday, august 27, 2004.
they are in our territory
by Mulan ini learned today that a group from california is in our area working "seldom worked territory".. my jw friend told me to watch for them as they are in town working their territory.
it all made me laugh.
they aren't in montana, or north dakota, they are in edmonds/lynnwood washington.
Hi Mulan. I'm thinking the reason they have people from out of state working your area is because all JW's are slacking in the preaching work. How else can you explain the reason to have people come from out of state to preach in a well populated, multi-congo area?? Before we left in August of '02, when we would go out in service on Saturday, even the elders and servants rarely did door to door work. We always did a couple of calls and then it was off to breakfast.... Nobody wants to go out in service anymore....they just show up to be seen, and then do a couple of calls and call it a morning. It's a little hard to cover the territory that way when all you do is a couple of rv's....
Convicted JW sex offender arrested again....
by jimbob inthis article appeared on komo news here in washington state.
even though the article doesn't mention him being a jw, some of you may recall an article from the news that was posted here on jwd several months ago that told how he was released from prison after serving a term in prison for raping 4 of them with a broomstick.
while in prison, he became a witness, and i ended up meeting his grandmother out in service in 1988. she encouraged me to write to him to give him "encouragement", which i did.
Hi Mulan. I don't believe you know his family. His mom studied with the dubs when Curtis was young. But that was it. His brother is in prison too for murder, so I guess living behind bars runs in his family. I spoke with my mother last night, and all she thought was that they would probably df him. She didn't know anything else. I told her that this might be one example where the JW's shunning policy might be a good idea....
We miss seeing you guys and we'll have to get together again soon. Take care.
Convicted JW sex offender arrested again....
by jimbob inthis article appeared on komo news here in washington state.
even though the article doesn't mention him being a jw, some of you may recall an article from the news that was posted here on jwd several months ago that told how he was released from prison after serving a term in prison for raping 4 of them with a broomstick.
while in prison, he became a witness, and i ended up meeting his grandmother out in service in 1988. she encouraged me to write to him to give him "encouragement", which i did.
Hey problem. This type of news story is worth more than just two people starting threads...
It sickens me to hear this happen. When Curtis got released last October and my mom told me he was in her hall, I had a discussion with her explaining how the JW's feel that someone who had a problematic past can be "cured" just by studying and becoming a JW. I told her that in Curtis's case especially, this wasn't true. And you know what, she actually agreed with me! She is a hard core JW, but I'm glad she had some wit about her to realize this and avoid him. I tried calling her tonight to see what her congregation is doing, but I forgot she had meeting tonight. So I'll probabaly talk with her tomorrow. But she did tell me that Curtis was active in the hall, and gave answers. I don't know if he went out in service. But I do remember the few times I wrote him back in the late 80's, he was going to get baptized. So I believe he is a baptized dub. I was telling my wife tonight that the only reason I wrote him was to count time and an RV. Letter writing was an easier way to get your time in when you're pioneering than having to bang on doors...
Anyway, I hope for everyone's sake he's locked up for the rest of his life!!! I can just imagine how the community will react when the JW's bang on their door....hopefully they will be aware of this situation and give the JW's sh*t about it when they come knockin'.
Convicted JW sex offender arrested again....
by jimbob inthis article appeared on komo news here in washington state.
even though the article doesn't mention him being a jw, some of you may recall an article from the news that was posted here on jwd several months ago that told how he was released from prison after serving a term in prison for raping 4 of them with a broomstick.
while in prison, he became a witness, and i ended up meeting his grandmother out in service in 1988. she encouraged me to write to him to give him "encouragement", which i did.
Here's the article from the Seattle P.I. from last October that mention his being a JW...
Jury rejects plea to keep rapist locked awayHe's set free, not declared a sexually violent offender
Tuesday, October 7, 2003
SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER REPORTERA jury for the first time has rejected the request of King County prosecutors to send a convicted rapist who had already served his prison sentence to an indefinite stay at a locked commitment center.
The decision by the jury meant that Curtis Thompson, convicted of committing four Seattle rapes in 1985, walked out of the King County Courthouse a free man. For the first time in more than 17 years, he is living outside custody -- in his mother's home near Sand Point.
Prosecutors asked that he be declared a sexually violent offender, which meant that he would be sent to the Special Commitment Center on McNeil Island.
While waiting for a hearing and a jury to decide on the prosecutors' request, Thompson spent another year behind bars.
Until Friday's decision, a jury had never turned prosecutors down when they wanted a sex offender committed.
"The jury determined he's not a threat, and that's all I'm going to say. I'm happy he's home," Thompson's mother said yesterday at the home she now shares with her 44-year-old son. She declined to give her name.
Other people in the quiet neighborhood are uneasy about having Thompson, labeled a Level 3 sex offender, in their midst. Level 3 offenders are deemed the most likely to commit more crimes.
"It's causing a lot of fear and unease," said Matt Delcomyn, 39, who bought a house one year ago across the street from where Thompson now lives.
"I know he's done his time, but he's got another decade or so to prove himself to society, and I don't want to wait around to find out," he said.
Thompson registered with the King County Sheriff's office yesterday, listing his address in the 5500 block of 39th Avenue Northeast.
"Certainly he is a risk to reoffend, but that doesn't mean he will," said Detective Robert Shilling of the Seattle Police Department's special assault unit. Shilling notified neighbors Friday of Thompson's presence and held a community meeting about his release on Sunday.
Thompson had been held at the Special Commitment Center since his May 2002 release from prison.
For three weeks, jurors heard testimony in the hearing, in which prosecutors had to prove Thompson was more likely than not to commit another sexually related offense if he were not locked up. The jury took about half a day to reach its unprecedented decision.
Richard Warner, a public defender who represented Thompson, called the decision "courageous" while co-counsel Anita Paulsen said the jurors -- who asked questions of the witnesses during the hearing -- had obviously satisfied their own concerns about Thompson's release.
"These are people who live in King County who, just like all of us, are going to live in neigh- borhoods where he is going to be," Paulsen said.
Thompson's religious studies while in custody, his minimal number of infractions in prison and his work ethic there, as well as never having any problems with female kitchen staff or female officers, likely weighed in his favor, Paulsen said.
County officials believe Thompson belongs in the state center.
"We file civil commitment cases when we believe there is a high risk of reoffense, and this is ultimately a question that goes before a jury," said Dan Donohoe, spokesman for the county prosecutor's office.
Thompson was convicted of four rapes that occurred between April and July of 1985. He also was convicted of assault in an attempted rape and of burglary. In most of the incidents, Thompson threatened his victims with a knife or a gun and bound their feet and hands. He did not know any of the victims.
In all the incidents, Thompson broke into the women's homes and woke them up before raping them. In one incident, he cut a woman's arm from elbow to wrist, raped her with a broomstick and punched the woman's teenage daughter in the face when she came home.
Psychological reports from 1998 and 2002 found Thompson had a moderate to high risk of reoffending. Those reports cited a "deep-seated and currently suppressed anger and hostility toward women in general, which has gone untreated" and "concerns that the increasing tendency towards violence already noted by the prior record would only escalate."
Thompson did not undergo a psychological treatment program from the state while incarcerated, though he had frequent counseling sessions with fellow Jehovah's Witnesses.
His attorneys said he sought treatment in 1995, but was told he had to wait until 1998 -- or three years before his release date -- to receive it.
"He asked and asked for treatment, and when he didn't get it, he found his own way," Paulsen said.
County prosecutors argued that Thompson has a mental abnormality or personality disorder that makes him likely to commit acts of sexual violence against strangers, according to court filings. A psychologist who interviewed Thompson in May 2002 concluded he was a sexual sadist.
Before the jury read its verdict Friday, Thompson had written a letter to the court, apologizing to his victims and their families and thanking the jury for hearing his case.
He wrote the letter assuming that he would be committed, his attorneys said. Thompson's release has encouraged others at the center who see their situation as hopeless, Paulsen said.
P-I reporter Chris McGann contributed to this report. P-I reporter Wyatt Buchanan can be reached at 206-448-8011 or [email protected]
© 1998-2004 Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Convicted JW sex offender arrested again....
by jimbob inthis article appeared on komo news here in washington state.
even though the article doesn't mention him being a jw, some of you may recall an article from the news that was posted here on jwd several months ago that told how he was released from prison after serving a term in prison for raping 4 of them with a broomstick.
while in prison, he became a witness, and i ended up meeting his grandmother out in service in 1988. she encouraged me to write to him to give him "encouragement", which i did.
This article appeared on KOMO news here in Washington state. Even though the article doesn't mention him being a JW, some of you may recall an article from the news that was posted here on JWD several months ago that told how he was released from prison after serving a term in prison for raping 4 of them with a broomstick. While in prison, he became a witness, and I ended up meeting his grandmother out in service in 1988. She encouraged me to write to him to give him "encouragement", which I did. Upon learning what he was in prison for, I quit writing the sick bastard. Once he was out of prison, he attended my mother's congo in North Seattle. (Lake City congregation) When I asked her about him, she said she avoided him and did not talk to him. She also said he started dating a sister. Looks like he won't be dating or attending a meeting again for a very long time....(hopefully so long that it ends up being never, he needs to be locked up til he's dead) Anyway, here is the link to the article, and I've cut and pasted it as well. Maybe I should write to KOMO news and let them know he's a JW as well....wonder if he'll get df'd...????
Convicted Rapist Arrested Again In U-District Attack
August 24, 2004
By Tracy VedderSEATTLE - Prosecutors said a convicted sex offender would attack again and now police think he has. Only this time, it was all caught on surveillance tape.
When Curtis Thompson raped four women in 1985, .there were no witnesses. But this time, police say the crime happened in full view of a surveillance camera outside a University District apartment building.
The building's doors are kept locked. But, on the tape, you can see two women outside the back door smoking.
Police say Thompson approached them, pushing his way inside. And they say he was immediately violent.
"He punched her in the face," describes Seattle Police Officer Scott Moss.
The 45-year-old Thompson is 6 feet 3 inches, and weighs 220 pounds. He's a big man. The tape shows us another tenant walking inside while the attack is happening. But off camera when the he tried to help, Thompson punched him as well, then forced one of the women to take her blouse off.
"Then he threatened to kick her head through the wall if she didn't do so," adds Officer Moss.
Prosecutors say even though Thompson completed an 18-year prison term, they wanted him committed as a violent sexual predator. A psychologist called him a sexual sadist.
But last fall, a jury decided Thompson should be released.
He is listed as a level three sex offender, which means they could be at a high risk to reoffend.
Thompson lives in a small boarding house just five blocks away from the apartment building where the attack occurred.
Roommate Stephen Vaughn had doubts about Thompson right away. And then police distributed the warning flyer listing Thompson as a Level III offender.
"Once I got this notification, I knew my suspicions were justified," he said.
But no one at this apartment where the attack occurred saw the notification. When Thompson approached the women, no one knew of his past. <>P> This time, tenants called 911 and the victim broke away, and police arrested him.
But resident Jayme Chiu wonders why Thompson was out in the first place.
"What kind of system do we have in place here? That's just not appropriate," she said.
Police are just thankful that this time there was an arrest before anything worse happened.
The King County Prosecutor's Office says it intends to file the most serious felony charges possible against Thompson, who is being held for investigation of kidnapping, assault and robbery.
Police believe he is a three strikes candidate and if convicted, could go to prison for the rest of his life.
JW Ex-firefighter dies after "blink-of-the-eye" crash
by Elsewhere inex-firefighter dies after "blink-of-the-eye" crash
by cara solomon .
seattle times eastside bureau.
I personally knew Rick Friedt for a long time. My wife and I were in the same hall as him for several years. We used to live pretty close until we sold our home and moved to a different area. Rick was a very nice guy. He was an odd elder (what elder isn't...:) who had some weird ideas, but he was a very generous person...much more so than the average JW. He retired from the fire department early on disability...which is another story in itself. From what I was told....after he retired on disability, the fire department realized his disability wasn't so much of a disability. At least in this area, if a firefighter retires on disability, they get a pension worth 80% of their wages, but normal retirement is only 50%. And he still had 5 mouths to feed at that's why he was working part-time to supplement his income. Going from a full income, to only 80% then to 50% is quite a loss of money. He worked in the past as a security guard, but since he had always rode motorcycles as a hobby, he started working funeral processions.
I feel horrible for his family. The congo he was in has had numerous deaths over the past decade...many of them from cancer. (That's another story too....because they've had mold and mildew in that hall for years and years and never took care of the problem..don't know if it's related to the cancer deaths or's been suggested by some in that hall)
Anyway, that's Rick Friedt in a nutshell. The wife and I haven't decided whether or not we will attend his memorial. We know pretty much everybody in the area, and they all know we left the they don't talk to us. I'm sure it will be either this weekend or the next.
Ex-firefighter was a JW
by Kenneson inrichard freidt served in the seattle, washington fire dept.
for 26 years, then was in semi-retirement and finally ended up as a motorcycle escort for private funeral processions.
he also served for nearly 30 years as an elder in the shoreline congregation.
I've known plenty of JW's that were firefighters and could keep their position as elders. Firefighters have lots of time off, so it wasn't that difficult. I personally knew this firefighter for many, many years, ever since I was a teenager. We were in the same congo for a while. He was odd at times, and was a quirky elder, but JW or not, I don't wish this upon anyone. I feel horrible for his family...they are really suffering from the loss. The wife and I are still deciding whether or not to attend his memorial, because we know we will see all of our former friends who have shunned us. But we'll see...
They found out we celebrated Christmas
by Mulan ini was told today that an elder in a nearby congregation has just told another elder in his congregation that he saw we celebrated christmas last year.
seems he was doing a job on our street (he's a window washer, like all good jw elders) and saw our decorations.. several things bother me about that.. 1. no one could have seen any of our decorations by driving by.
we had no lights outside.
Hi Marilyn. Sounds like things are a little interesting around your place these days....
Unfortunately for most of us who have left the JW cult without being df'd or da'd, the JW's who know us don't forget about us, and will always look for something to get us officially kicked out. It's in their mindset, especially if they know or hear things about us they can't prove. They obviously know Princess and family celebrate everything, so I bet they assume you and Dave do to....they just haven't been able to prove it officially yet....hence the reason why the window washer was accusing you.
It kills me that they can't ever get over the fact that people can leave on their own.....they have to officially kick them out so as to prove to themselves that they are right in their beliefs. I'm sure they will be watching your place carefully this Christmas, especially Mr. window washer.
Anyway, we miss seeing you guys and hope we can get together again to see everyone. We were sorry we had to miss the last party. Say hello to Dave for us and we'll see you soon.
Instead of the memorial...
by meat pie ini watched the classic video 'the wicker man'.
a bit dated, but a great story even so, and quite apt too.. and i shall have 'a little something', as winnie the pooh would say, before bedtime.. what did you do?.
The wife and I went to a birthday party this afternoon. I can tell you it was a hell of a lot more fun that sitting in a building with no windows and having booze and food passed in front of me that I wan't allowed to touch......