There's an "and" between "from the date of your baptism" and "your joining the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses". "And" can be construed in several ways including the mention of two separate items without necessarily linking them in the way WT would have you believe. Baptism does not necessarily mean the admission of the baptized person to a specific "religion", nor does "the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses" mean WT or any of it's subgroups (i.e., JW's as a specific legal entity). Of course, if a person is led to believe it does, so much the better for The Organization! But think, haven't several WT publications indicated that "men of old" were "Jehovah's Witnesses"? Isn't that very phrase found in the Old Testament/Hebrew scriptures? There wasn't even a legal Organization back then! Legal is one thing, spiritual is another. The two don't unite just because somebody got dunked!
Can WT and it's legal representatives get away with the things they do which make people uncomfortable? long as you give them permission. How do you withdraw that "permission"? Walk away. It's that simple. There's no need to officially disassociate, in fact, to do so only validates the WT perspective and the power you personally believe it holds over you.
Are there social issues connected with claiming or disclaiming association with the religion commonly known as Jehovah's Witnesses? Yes, there are, but that's a separate discussion.
P.S. Regarding the 1985 baptismal question: "Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization?" WT would have a difficult time proving to a court of law that it's them! If you believe it is, then you're obligating yourself. The minute you realize that the question can be understood in a different way, you're free.