I think it was meant to be a joke, kind of a precursor to "Watching The World", a magazine feature in later years. Strange!!!
Posts by AnneB
Is this a joke or what?
by slimboyfat ini am reading old awakes!
at the moment from the link that was posted recently and it's pretty surreal.
check out this paragraph on page 16 of the january 8th magazine "what a man!
You & Your Family Will Be Harmed If You Dont Obey The FDS 8/15/12 WT
by yourmomma inhere is a quote from the 8/15/12 watchtower study simplified edition that just was posted on jw.org.. on page 13 paragraph 12 it says "those who ignore the warnings from the faithful and discreet slave will harm themselves and those they love.".
also, another doozy is earlier on paragraph it likens those who have not read social networking articles from the faithful slave before using, "is like taking a powerful medicine without first reading the warning on the bottle.".
im not even done reading this whole magazine yet, but i thought i'd share these insane comments.
"if ever that slave should say in his heart, ‘My master delays coming,’ and should start to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk, the master of that slave will come on a day that he is not expecting him and in an hour that he does not know, and he will punish him with the greatest severity and assign him a part with the unfaithful ones.”
...a little something I learned from WT....karma.
Why did Satan want to kill Jesus?
by FaithfulBrother inwhy would satan have wanted to kill jesus if jesus' death would defeat satan and save mankind?
why would satan enter judas at the last supper and get judas to betray jesus, leading him to his death, if this death is what defeated satan?.
Satan didn't want to kill Jesus, he wanted to prove to God that everyone would disobey given the right set of circumstances. Most people will "compromise" (disobey) when faced with serious consequences, like death. All Jesus had to do was deny who he was and he could have lived. He wouldn't do it. He died because he wouldn't go against his Father's will.
Every time Satan faced off with Jesus he was unsuccessful. (Remember the three temptations in the wilderness?) The last time, Satan upped the ante and Jesus still didn't give in. Jesus knew how it would probably end up, that's why he was so upset as he prayed just before he was betrayed by Judas. He knew how hard it was going to be to remain obedient, that Satan was going to throw him into a situation where he (Jesus) would look like he was bringing shame on the very one he was trying to obey.
If Satan could prove that everyone would disobey then he would be right in stating that God was unjust. That's the whole goal, trying to prove that God is an unfit Father. ....and guess who wants the job???
It's been 1 year today we landed in the wilds of PA
by TotallyADD insorry i have not check in the last 3 months my computer was broke.
and my wife and i have been very busy with the new business.
it has been 1 year today we landed in our new home here in wilds of pa. our 22 year old cat is now 23 years old and somedays it acts like it's going to out live us.
How do you Spell Disfellowshipped?
by RayPublisher inthe reason i ask, is that if you search the wt publications, you will see that it is spelled with only one "p" over 600 times, but also spelled with two "p"s 600 times.. .
very confusing!
any linguistic experts out there that know which it should be?.
D oomed by self-appointed representatives of the God of love, Jehovah
I nvalidated by the rules of a man-made organization
S isters won't talk to you, brothers won't either
F riends abandon you without hearing both sides of the issue
E veryone connected with WT acts as though you were dead
L ove is replaced by disapproval
L oyalty to WT is put before family or friends
O pportunity opens to discover a more genuine way of living
W orthwhile people begin to appear in your life
S ooner or later you realize there may be more to living than you'd been led to believe
H ope begins to take root
I nstead of conditional love you begin to experience the real thing
P eople who comprehend what you are suffering go out of their way to assist
P utting the past behind you becomes easier every day
E nd result is a healthier outlook and a stronger sense of self-identity
D oubt and fear disappear, replaced by a happier and more peaceful lifestyle. You made it! -
Please! I need a plausible excuse for getting out of going to the memorial!
by Inisc ini have been thinking about this for weeks!.
nothing short of death will be acceptable to my mother!.
i thought of saying i will go to another cong but my parents know people there so that won't work.. help!.
has anyone tried to "study" and get baptized again in a far away congregation?
by Sofi in....so you didn't have to go through the process of being reinstated?
please, share your experiences!
People who were JW's in the early '80's may have heard this "experience" at a Circuit Assembly:
Guy studies with JW's, gets baptized. Guy suffers a severe head trauma and drifts away from the congregation. Many years later someone from that congregation sees a familiar face at a Quick Build and inquires of the local congregation. He's told they don't know much about him, he showed up at the KH with amnesia, but studied and qualified for baptism. The same guy studied and got baptized twice!
That's when the C.O. added his own comment: Isn't it wonderful, brothers! This man couldn't remember anything about his past but he recognized The Truth!
Moral of the story: Someone is going to recognize you sooner or later.
has anyone tried to "study" and get baptized again in a far away congregation?
by Sofi in....so you didn't have to go through the process of being reinstated?
please, share your experiences!
School is for fools!
by BreathoftheIndianNose inso i'm looking to go to university, as is the norm.
what are the most important things to consider choosing a school and location to study?
and what would you say are the most important things to do in order to benefit from that education and succeed in that field?
Photo ID Badges for Quick Builds
by metaspy inhey guys, sorry i haven't been on here much lately.. i just thought i would drop by and let you know of something i received.. from when i was 12 until i was 25, i worked on quick builds.. i started out just helping out wherever they would put me - then joined an actual crew: attendants.
i used to flag for forklifts.
then i asked if i could learn how to be an electrician because the flagging was about as boring as watching grass grow.. i only worked on electric crew 1 year, back in 2006.. i just got an email from my attendant crew overseer saying that i need to submit a photo for my id badge so that i can go to quickbuilds.