Try this:
Assuming that there was a Jesus and he was sent by God and he did say the majority of the things attributed to him...
He told his disciples that when they saw certain signs (Jerusalem surrounded, etc.), to flee to the mountains. Why the mountains? High point. They were picked up by a transport vehicle (spaceship, celestial chariot, raptured) and that was the end of a chapter on the mission Jesus was sent to accomplish.
Fast forward over at least a century of no credible faithful left on earth, then...
People began picking up on accounts by those "left behind", old wives tales, fragments of things written, etc. Little by little over the course of a couple of centuries, these fragmentary accounts coalesced into something that migh tbe called a "Christian" movement, which so upset the ruling power that he caused a Council to convene and to create an "official" order to the conflicting versions of what went on back there. A catfight ensued, and the winners published what we now call "The Bible" (the catfights continue). With an official doctrine and a group of people to enforce and promote it, Christianity came into being...about 300 years after Jesus was dead and after the people who believed his message and followed it to the last detail were no longer on earth to let people know that what was being passed off as The Only True God's Only True Religion was concocted by a bunch of guys who weren't there, didn't know anybody who was there, didn't live up to the teachings themselves, and who were anxious to gain favor with a powerful political ruler who, himself, didn't know what to believe.
With all of that in mind, does it really matter what another bunch of guys, i.e., The Boys From Brooklyn, think? Everything they teach is founded on shifting sand.
If it's really important to you to get to the root of the matter, I'd say: 1) Don't trouble your head trying to figure out what WT says or does, 2) Tell yourself that, according to what we've been told the Jesus person taught, he'll be back to set things straight for the rest of us, and 3) Spend your time in accordance with these words: Love God with your whole soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.
You don't have to completely comprehend either God or your neighbor to do that, and you will be able to do a whole lot of good (whilst keeping yourself away from a whole lot of aggravation) in the time you have left in this life.
That's my "answer" to your topic question.