Posts by AnneB
Is this true??
by quellycatface inis it correct that the words "governing body" now appear in the nwt??.
Shunning now applies to non-jw relatives of apostates...
by Julia Orwell inapparently.
my never-a-jw mother was at the shops with my never-a-jw 5 year old niece today and saw some jws she's known loosely for years as they were friends of mine.
she'd even taught the teenaged girl among them.
You're right, what would be the point?
It's a life lesson. People aren't always what we think they are.
Hug your mom for me...I'm sad that she was "shunned".
Does Christianity Need The Bible
by Mat inchristianity began it's formation without the bible.
the bible, as we know it, is a collection of what were very old texts when they were assembled by christian leaders in the late second and third centuries because they were deemed to be inspired by god.. whether they really were inspired by god or not is now open to debate, but should they prove to not be, it should not undermine christianity as an establishment.. discuss......
Read up on how the Bible came into being; it was something like turning in a group assignment on time to obey an Emperor's command, not a particularly Godlike origin, eh?
If Christ had wanted a "Bible" written out he would have said so, or started one, don'tcha think?
Dressed for Failure--drab colors in dress code
by WTWizard ini noticed that, especially for men, that they are required to dress in drab colors for boasting sessions and in field circus.
men are supposed to wear dirty colored suits--dark gray, muddy brown, black, and off-shades of maroon, forest green, and navy/midnight blue seem to be most common.
they get hounded if they wear something in a "loud" color--meaning anything that is near one of the major points in the rainbow and near saturation (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or violet is most likely to result in a major hounding).
So, Mr Wizard, what would you say is a better way for the males to dress for field service, giving talks, attending meetings? Be specific.
Last Friday I brought home 6 Peepers
by Still Totally ADD inthey are so cute in their cage with the red heat lamp warming them.
there are eggs in our future.
coop is built all i need to do now is put the fence in.
Pics! Pics! They're not really there until they're visible!
In the meantime, what kind did you get, and from where? I'm looking at Murray McMurray Hatchery for mine, but won't be ordering until about mid-summer.
Why do I bother to wake up in the morning?
by punkofnice ini'm not suicidal just fed up.. i did think of suicide (briefly), but as there is no painless way and it's not something i would willingly do just in case things would have been better the day after.
i do have a slight grain of hope.. money problems.....problems at home (that's another matter with a son up court for something he is adamant he didn't do.
first offence but the pigs police and the cps have got charges made.
I'm not a fan of anti-depressant medications. Too often they are given to people whose only real problem is Distress.
There's a difference between Depressed and Distressed. One may need medication, the other needs a way out of some situation.
When I was going through a rough time with my family, the elders wanted me to take anti-depressants. I asked why. The answer was "it's hard on us to see you this way". They wanted me to take meds so they would feel better!!! A whole lot easier than actually giving me a helping hand, eh?
Do what you need to do, not what others want you to do.
Had a reply for job...
by snare&racket in.
got a cool job, surgery and emergency medicine in a nice holiday town, super happy :d. .
I'm very happy for you!
Best wishes,
Nauseating section for small children - CUTOUTS? Really?
by BluePill2 ini am not hot linking to jw borg, but they have a whole section for obviously very small children (become j's friend, with a whole array of caleb-related stuff).
i have actually never visited the site, today was the first time, because i wanted to check a technical information about their websites architecture and came across this sh*t!.
the way they are targeting small kids is nauseating me (i have a 5 year old, still in with her mother).
Now Caleb has a car! Sophia doesn't, but what can you expect? This is dubdom she's dealing with!
Caleb is obviously not on the fast track himself; his car has no doors! Not two, not the requisite four for taking people with him in field service.
WT is definitely grooming the youth the Kingdom Way; the web page instructs children to make the car and give it to someone. Who benefits from the fruit of that labor?
Run, Caleb! Run!
Nauseating section for small children - CUTOUTS? Really?
by BluePill2 ini am not hot linking to jw borg, but they have a whole section for obviously very small children (become j's friend, with a whole array of caleb-related stuff).
i have actually never visited the site, today was the first time, because i wanted to check a technical information about their websites architecture and came across this sh*t!.
the way they are targeting small kids is nauseating me (i have a 5 year old, still in with her mother).
What happened to the "we don't do Sunday School, our kids sit with their parents during meetings and learn with their parents" line that they fed when I was first contacted?
This is definitely not the same religion as when I joined up. Glad I'm out.