They are so cute in their cage with the red heat lamp warming them. There are eggs in our future. Hopefully. Coop is built all I need to do now is put the fence in. Foot under ground all the way up to the top of the 6 foot post. Then a netting over the top to keep out any other brids. Have not had chicken in 20 years. Looking forward to watching them grow up. The Still Totally ADD mini farm is growing. All what fun we are having. Still Totally ADD
Last Friday I brought home 6 Peepers
by Still Totally ADD 18 Replies latest jw friends
Farm grown chickens and eggs taste so much better than store-bought ones.
I hope success for you.
What is Truth?
Nice Still Totally ADD,
I miss my chickens a little now, fun creatures to watch.
Enjoy your eggs!
Awww, best wishes! I would love to do this but have to wait on local ordinances to change. (((hugs)))
finally awake
very cool!
troubled mind
I just signed a petition to change our city ordinance to allow keeping chickens in city limits . I hope it passes ,it is something I have wanted to do for a long time !
Pics! Pics! They're not really there until they're visible!
In the meantime, what kind did you get, and from where? I'm looking at Murray McMurray Hatchery for mine, but won't be ordering until about mid-summer.
Remember, don't count 'em before they hatch...
Also, don't count the eggs before they're laid.