Posts by AnneB
Have I Missed Something? Boko Haram.
by Joe Grundy ina group of bastards, in the name of their islamic religion, under the name 'boko haram' (or 'western education is forbidden') have kidnapped hundreds of youg girls from their school and are threatening to sell them - not least because in their religious view the girls should be married, not pursuing education.. .
have i missed the wt public statement condemning this?
or that of other religions, come to that?
What good is speaking out? What good is condemning? The people who did the kidnapping are well aware of how others feel about them; the outraged response is like fuel to their fire, not the opposite.
If the situation is to have a positive outsome it will happen in silence, in secrecy, not by drawing attention to their cause and their actions.
Millions Now Living Have Never Lived So Well
by Bob_NC inthat's right, millions now living are living during the best of times for humanity.
but aren't these critical times hard to deal with?
aren't these the last days of a dying wicked system of things.
Whenever it is that they are saying Peace and Security...
7 Things Remarkably Happy People Do Often
by Oubliette ini came across this article today and really appreciated it's positive message; and so i wanted to share a few choice excerpts that i thought were particularly relevant for this group:.
7 things remarkably happy people do often1.
make good friends - make real friends.
Live the life you want to live - "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me." What other people think--especially people you don't even know--doesn't matter. What other people want you to do doesn't mater. Your hopes, your dreams, your goals... live your life your way. Surround yourself with people who support and care not for the "you" they want you to be but for the real you.
What other people want you to do DOES matter. Living life without considering how your life meshes with the lives of your family, for instance, can destroy the lives of others. What if they need you for support? Are you going to go after your dreams, hopes, goals and live life your way? How selfish can a person get???
Anyone Here Used to Fear Persecution?
by kneehighmiah ini was thinking today about how i no longer have to fear the attack of satan against the jws.
i used to fear being rounded up and beaten by mobs.
seeing my family tortured.
In one of the WT mags in the early '70's there was a picture that had people falling to the ground around one lone person who stayed standing. There were labels around the fallen people, "drug addiction", "fornication", etc. then a dome around the standing person, protecting him from what looked like a meteor shower. The caption made reference to the verse which states that though all those around you would be falling, Jehovah would be protecting the righteous. That's a very imperfect description of the half page drawing but if you were around WT back then you might remember the picture I'm describing.
I heard all the descriptions of the concentration camps, the tortures in Malawi, etc., and it made me quake in my shoes. I thought that if I was very, very "good" that Jehovah would protect me like he was protecting the standing person in the picture. When I would see people I knew fall prey to street drugs and then suffer their effects I thought I was seeing that picture in action. I spent almost every waking hour (and a lot of my sleep time) focused on doing everything "right" so that my family and I would be protected when the GT and the Big A began..."it could start tommorrow, brothers, and if not then, the day after that!"
I made myself sick, physically, and I spent far too much time trying to please others and to live a perfect life.
When the persecution came, it was from inside the congregation and all my preparation did no good at all.
PTSD, anyone?
Is this true??
by quellycatface inis it correct that the words "governing body" now appear in the nwt??.
Shunning now applies to non-jw relatives of apostates...
by Julia Orwell inapparently.
my never-a-jw mother was at the shops with my never-a-jw 5 year old niece today and saw some jws she's known loosely for years as they were friends of mine.
she'd even taught the teenaged girl among them.
You're right, what would be the point?
It's a life lesson. People aren't always what we think they are.
Hug your mom for me...I'm sad that she was "shunned".
Does Christianity Need The Bible
by Mat inchristianity began it's formation without the bible.
the bible, as we know it, is a collection of what were very old texts when they were assembled by christian leaders in the late second and third centuries because they were deemed to be inspired by god.. whether they really were inspired by god or not is now open to debate, but should they prove to not be, it should not undermine christianity as an establishment.. discuss......
Read up on how the Bible came into being; it was something like turning in a group assignment on time to obey an Emperor's command, not a particularly Godlike origin, eh?
If Christ had wanted a "Bible" written out he would have said so, or started one, don'tcha think?
Dressed for Failure--drab colors in dress code
by WTWizard ini noticed that, especially for men, that they are required to dress in drab colors for boasting sessions and in field circus.
men are supposed to wear dirty colored suits--dark gray, muddy brown, black, and off-shades of maroon, forest green, and navy/midnight blue seem to be most common.
they get hounded if they wear something in a "loud" color--meaning anything that is near one of the major points in the rainbow and near saturation (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or violet is most likely to result in a major hounding).
So, Mr Wizard, what would you say is a better way for the males to dress for field service, giving talks, attending meetings? Be specific.