Watchtower's days are really numbered
The lack of love and dull, boring meetings is also speeding up this process.
is it just me, or has everyone noticed many more lurkers and newbies posting now?
i have been reading way too much lately, in light of the nbc broadcast, and it seems as if each time i read a new thread, there's someone posting their first post, or third.
right offhand, i remember leaving-jws, rmcgill_leader, jwdonotcall, confused and lost, xfdwg97, and another post i just read from mom--something or other.
Watchtower's days are really numbered
The lack of love and dull, boring meetings is also speeding up this process.
why does the watch tower society not build and operate its own hospitals for its people who refuse to have blood in their treatment programme?.
surely, if bloodless surgery and treatment is so superior and they could prove it with their own statistics and survival rates they could show that blood should not be used.. so, what are they afraid of?.
Because they would have to pay for it. I doubt they could find enough witness surgeons and medical staff to do it for free.
i can't remember if it was discussed here, but michael porter, a witness in good standing in london, england, pled guilty to being a pedophile and was originally given a conditional sentence which outraged many.. anyway, his leniant sentence was just overturned, and it looks like he better not drop the soap in the communial shower for the next 18 months:
Not long enough, should have got a longer sentence
Brilliant! Well done Nic.
this question is about your initial response visually....not the girl, not the girl your with, just what color hair draws your eye first.. blond, brunette, red, or black?.
18 what john sees foreshadows remarkably the experience of the john class at the beginning of the lords day.
their understanding of jehovahs purposes, including the implication of the seven thunders, was then incomplete.
are you my bowes rd buddy?.
Yes I'm your Bowes Road baptism buddy too!
why do they treat the like the have sinned a great sin ( oh wait i might of answered it doh!
) when they are just down a bit..
It's because they are not keeping up with Jehovah's chariot (organisation) and therefore unfit for purpose (field service/meetings)
Its sink or swim all the way to paradise.
i'm not after a discussion on the rights or wrongs on abortion, what i'm asking is whether or not your views have evolved over time.. perhaps leaving the watchtower was enough to allow your true feelings on abortion to find expression.
maybe abortion is one of those subjects where you still find yourself in agreement with your old jw self.
did becoming a mother change your perspective in any way or solidify your views?.
I've held an 18 week fetus in my hands and let me tell you it was a human through and through, abortion is the deliberate murder of another human being.
i haven't been on jwd for the last few days as my good friend had her mum die suddenly and i have been spending time just being there for my friend.. i was shocked and saddened to hear that trevor and linda was a sham.
it's sometimes hard not to become cynical with life and not trust anyone when this sort of thing happens.. i have made a big decision and i hope that i don't live to regret it.
i have posted that i have been trying to "fade" as my son and his family are jw's and i don't want to lose them because of being shunned.
Hi Maddie,
I admire your integrity, being true to yourself can be difficult, as raymond franz said some people go through their whole lives without ever facing a true crisis of conscience. You never know, your brave act might make your son think.
I made that descsion myself some time ago and it's the best thing I've done for a very very long time. As someone said on this board I'd rather have questions I can't answer than answers I can't question.
Hope that helps.
God Bless