Good luck, hope it works out for you.
hi newbie here, i have a question that is begining to bug me a little.
i am not a jw or ever will be but my partner was some years ago and quite devout about the religeon then she was df'd for commiting adultry with another man (not me) who was not a jw, she got divored from her jw husband and left behind her 2 boys and went to live with 'the other man', anyway over the years her relationship with her 2 boys began to grow again and now she see's them once every 2 weeks, i should perhaps point out that her ex is a devout jw, she has told me that she would like to at some point go back to the 'hall' and carry on her religeon, i said that i dont have a problem with that but, i wasn't keen on the idea of her walking the streets knocking on doors due to the amount of hatred that some poeple clearly have for jw's and the fact that we now seem to live in a violent world, yes i know that jw's have to do so much 'service work', she has told me that she has not visited a hall since her df so therefore has not repented her sins as it were but on sunday she said that there was an assembly in our local vicinity (it's the annual one) and she would like to go.
i found this a bit odd that someone who had been df'd would be allowed to go to the jw's event of the year so began to wonder if whilst visiting her sons she maybe did visit the hall to somehow show repent with a view to be allowed back into the faith.
Good luck, hope it works out for you.
homeschool: See post by Diva, she's my wife.
My wife and I are faders, however our cover has been blown. So we will have to see what happens.
and i think it's time for me to take another.. and no i'm not stating this to get attention, i get enough at home (for a sick man hubby sure has been frisky lately .
so, i may be here a while longer or i might just go into lurk mode or i might just say f**k it and go.
haven't decided yet.. josie.
Hey Josie,
What's up ?, don't go, I for one enjoy your posts.
If you go I'll have to stalk you on facebook.
former elder, and assembly overseer roberto from france will be joining barbara and joe anderson on tonight's conference call, july 18,2009. roberto was disfellowshipped in june 2009 and after many faithful years of service is now joining thousands of others who are speaking out against the evils of the watchtower organization.
our call tonight will be focused on how the country of france, as well as other european countries are investigating jehovah's witnesses.
the watchtower organization is experiencing difficulties in these countries for the inhumane treatment and exerting too much control over people's lives.
Reniaa, If Jehovah is with them then what are you getting your knickers in a twist for ?
former elder, and assembly overseer roberto from france will be joining barbara and joe anderson on tonight's conference call, july 18,2009. roberto was disfellowshipped in june 2009 and after many faithful years of service is now joining thousands of others who are speaking out against the evils of the watchtower organization.
our call tonight will be focused on how the country of france, as well as other european countries are investigating jehovah's witnesses.
the watchtower organization is experiencing difficulties in these countries for the inhumane treatment and exerting too much control over people's lives.
We just want our families back Reniaa, if they do that we'll leave them alone.
former elder, and assembly overseer roberto from france will be joining barbara and joe anderson on tonight's conference call, july 18,2009. roberto was disfellowshipped in june 2009 and after many faithful years of service is now joining thousands of others who are speaking out against the evils of the watchtower organization.
our call tonight will be focused on how the country of france, as well as other european countries are investigating jehovah's witnesses.
the watchtower organization is experiencing difficulties in these countries for the inhumane treatment and exerting too much control over people's lives.
Just look at the number of views on the threads she is on. Keep up the good work Reniaa and Spike!
Love it!
this guy got completely railroaded.
another person earns his freedom!
below is how the WT describes itself to the charities comission. I don't see anything about feeding or housing the poor.
Question 1 - The Charity's Aims
What are your charity's aims?
To advance the Christian religion as practiced by the body of Christian
persons known as Jehovah's Witnesses by:
1. Preaching the gospel of God's Kingdom under Jesus Christ to all
nations as a witness to the name, word and supremacy of the Almighty
God Jehovah;
2. Producing and distributing Bibles and other religious literature in any
medium and educating the public in respect thereof;
3. Promoting religious worship;
4. Promoting the Christian missionary work;
5. Advancing religious education
Question 2 - Who benefits?
Who benefits from the charities work?
Persons residing in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, both Jehovah's
Witnesses and the wider public.
How do you respond to their needs and how do they influence the charity's developments?
By printing and distributing, without charge, Bibles and Bible study aids
which offer practical advice on improving one's life spiritually, morally, and
socially. By supporting congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Britain,
and associations of Jehovah's Witnesses in developing countries, with
their spiritual and material welfare.
All charity volunteers are members of local congregations of Jehovah's
Witnesses and so have direct knowledge of the needs of those in their
local community. Input is also received from charitable associations of
Jehovah's Witnesses in other lands. This knowledge and information is
reflected in the content and nature of the Bible study aids and assistance
that are made available.
Question 3 - The Charity's Strategy
What are the key elements of your charity's medium to long term strategy?
1. To provide adequate facilities, and to update equipment, so as to
enable the efficient and effective printing and distribution of Bibles and
Bible study aids.
2. To reach more communities in the United Kingdom and the world by the
translation and printing in local languages of Bible study aids.
3. To promote the building of places of worship in local communities in
the United Kingdom and developing nations of the world.
How does your charity measure the success of the strategy?
By the way persons in local communities, both in the United Kingdom and
overseas, are helped spiritually, morally, mentally, and physically as a
result of the work of the charity.
Question 4 - The Charity's Objectives and Achievements
What were your charity's main annual objectives and were they achieved?
Objective Achievement
The printing and distribution, both in the United Kingdom and overseas, of Bibles and Bible-based literature in several languages. During the year 300 million Bible based publications were printed.
Literature in 72 languages was sent to 69 countries. The total value of literature donated overseas exceeded £3,270,000.
Promoting and funding the construction of places of worship in developing countries, thereby
assisting associations of Jehovah's Witnesses in these countries to promote the aims and activities of the charity.
Over £4,400,000 was sent to countries in developing areas of the world to
assist with the construction of places of worship, administration facilities, missionary activity, and disaster relief.
Supporting congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses and others in connection with their spiritual and
moral welfare in the United Kingdom and overseas.
Worldwide Jehovah's Witnesses spent over 1,488 million hours helping in the
community, over 20 million of whichwere devoted to helping others here in
the United Kingdom. This was made possible, in part, through the activities
of the charity.
this guy got completely railroaded.
another person earns his freedom!
I was a witness for 20 years, on a personal and local level I saw very very little done to help the poor and under privelaged.
If you care to read the actuall reports they submit to the charities comission rather than the propaganda you hear down the hall Reniaa you'lll find they give very very little.
For example in 2004 they gave zero yes ZERO to help the poor, and very very little in subsequent years. If you care to read the reports I'll email them to you.
Pitiful, very pitiful
this guy got completely railroaded.
another person earns his freedom!
How is paying tax making it really hard to be witnesses? They should be made to pay tax in all countries. In the UK they are registered as a charity and therefore tax exempt. However they do no charitable works that I have ever seen.