peace out
JoinedPosts by The-Borg
by Mary inlooking back over the last few weeks, i think i've been unnessarily rude to some posters and i just want to apologize to anyone who has been on the receiving end of my anger recently.. i believe that i'm so angry, dismayed, devastated and heartbroken over what's happening to my brother in law, that i've been taking it out on others and that's not right.
it makes absolutely no difference what i think of the wts as a whole, or whether or not americans have a universal healthcare system......none of that makes any difference whatsoever when someone you love and has been like your brother for 35 years is dying and there's not a fucking thing we can do about it.. my sister just called me and there's more bad news, and that's that his disease has now progressed into the acute myeloid leukemia which means he cannot start the therapy they were going to give him, as this is far more serious now.
they want to start chemo right away, but his blood counts aren't up high enough for him to survive.
Hello id like to intruduce myself
by Belly inive been lurking this site for quite a while but for some reason never could muster up the courage to post.. let me give a little background on my self.. i am 18 and male an still living with my parents.
i was baptised at 15 basically against my will (by cracking under the pressure) but only truly broke out of the drone like mindswhen i was 17. since then its been totall choas in my life all of it stemming from the orginization of course.
my parents are the defenition of brainwashed wittnesses, my father even belives he is anointed.. after i got baptised i suffered from intense deppression and with a little soul searching, after a year i realized that i need some time for my self.
Hi Belly and welcome to the board.
Congratulations on lifting your depression!
Maybe you should consider moving out of your parents place if they can't respect your personal boundaries - your are an adult now after all.
Best of luck to you.
The story of SD-7
by sd-7 inwho i am is inconsequential.
it's safe to say, however, that i am between a rock and a hard place.
or perhaps...a watchtower and a hard place, more accurately.. i was raised a jw--mom got baptized same day i turned 4 (in 1986), alleged that 'satan got to' me because i wanted to do fun stuff on my birthday rather than go to the convention to see her get baptized.
Hi SD7, Welcome to the board. Your not alone. You'll find there are many like us.
Post a U-tube of your Favorite Songs from Music groups or Singers
by flipper in.
Is it true?
by wobble ini have seen claims on that stupid "topix" forum that the claims about u.n membership, and investment in rand corporation etc.
have been de-bunked,we apostates are a bunch of liars you know.. but is there any doubt about either subject, i thought both were cut and dried?.
Yes it's true, just read the watchtowers and awake from that period. The double speak is obvious.
They even had the 'international year of' edition every year.
The best commentry I've read on this subject is Robert Kings:
News Concerning SacraficialLoon
by SacrificialLoon inhiyas,.
i am a close friend of sacraficialloon and he requested that i come here and let you guys know what is going on.. .
last night he went to the er for some severe pain in his side.
Best wishes SL
Any DF'd or DA'd people ever get visits from Elders?
by drew sagan injust saw the thread from otwo talking about the call he got from an elder who wanted to meet up.
it go me thinking about my own situation.
me and my wife have been gone for a while.
We are inactive for over 2 years now. Not a phone call, a visit, nothing.
Is the WTS preparing for a MASS EXODUS?
by passwordprotected inhobo ken and i were chatting about this yesterday.. the wts has past experience of losing vast numbers of members very quickly.
from their post-25 and post-75 experiences they will know how best to prepare their organisational structure to remain afloat when they experience another exodus.. we're only 5 years from the 100 year anniversary of ct russell walking into the dining room and announcing the gentile times had ended.
since then, millions of people have molded and adjusted their lives and personal expectations based on the date 1914. the wts must know that 2015 is going to bring with it one or two upset jws.... so, is the wts preparing for a mass exodus right now?.
It's more a reflection of the current problems they are having rather than planning ahead. The 1995 generation change should have caused a mass exodus if there is going to be one. They've been manouvering away from 1914 for some time now. It would be a very big mistake if they think they could recover from a mass exodus this time around, the internet is their nemesis and they know it.
If my own congregation is anything to go by, they are suffering from a slow dry rot and severe apathy. Keeping anti witness/ apostate faders trapped inside congreagtions is like a cancer eating away at the congregations. Personally I have managed to get 2-4 people out. I know others who have had a lot more success than me and so it goes on.
Lack of love is also playing a huge part in causing many witnesses to re-evaluate their faith.
Out of the Closet
by darkl1ght3r inhi everyone... you might remember me from the username 'darklighter' ... if you don't, no big.
i used to post on here about a year ago.
i was stuck inside the watchtower corporation, with everone around me still believing.
Hi Spencer,
Welcome back to the board, sorry you have to face such cruelty for putting your head above the parapet.
Your young enough to move on with your life now, congratulations!!
The Borg.
What Happens When You Ask Too Many Questions?
by cameo-d indorothy kilgallen was a fearless journalist who broke major stories, and was the only reporter to interview lee harvey oswald's killer, jack ruby.
her biggest case yet -- investigating president john f. kennedy's assassination, and finding fault with the official story -- became the last one she ever pursued.
she died mysteriously in november 1965, after being threatened, but the cops never probed further.. .