Stop saying things that insinuate my beliefs are false! You simply cant prove that they are false, if we're talking about testables.
That's true, because you believe in an untestable phenomenon without evidence. Of course I can't prove they're false, anymore than you can prove there isn't an invisible elf sitting on my shoulder. It doesn't mean the belief is worthy of consideration.
I care if someones belief hurts them, or someone else. However, I think everyone is entitled to spend their life believing anything they want to, whether others agree or not.
I agree, people have the right to believe whatever they want just as I have the right to point out the flaws in their belief system.
I do not belong to a church. Being pagan, I would not let my life be lost if someone didnt agree with my beliefs, neither would I kill. The problem you describe is not that peoples beliefs may be false, just how they act on those beliefs.
Any decent person would act according to their beliefs. Anyone who acts against their beliefs is a hypocrite. If their beliefs tell them (for example) that enemies of God's kingdom must be destroyed, then that's what they've got to do. My beliefs tell me I only have the right to kill or injure another in self-defence. Other people have different beliefs. Should I respect these beliefs and only disagree with their actions?
Im also amazed that you liken anyones beliefs to the JWs....lets face it, there are sects and cults, in religion there is control, but that doesnt make any belief invalid.
Beliefs which are not true are invalid. That's my belief. I also believe that it's only valid if it's correct. If you believe my beliefs are valid, your own cannot be.
You use the words "demonstrably untrue" and "cannot possibly be true". Well I would not say that of YOUR beliefs (namely that things like the Ouija are NOT contacting supernatural forces). You CANNOT say that of mine - e.g. apply your own rules. prove to me my beliefs "cannot possibly be true".
You're right, your beliefs are not testable and therefore not falsifiable. That means that nobody can
ever provide you with evidence to change your beliefs. Nothing anyone can say can ever cause you to believe anything else, unless you arbitrarily decide to change them. It means your beliefs are exactly as valid as the belief that there is an invisible elf on my shoulder. Congratulations.
There may be reasons that you are unaware of that make the existence of spirits unverifyable. You just dont know.
Same goes for my little elf, and an infinite number of other imaginary phenomena.
I think you should be tolerant and respectful towards other's beliefs. Personally I dont believe the same thing as Christians, but I dont go around telling them that they are superstitious and gullible, I dont talk to them in a condescending manner.
Nor do I, unless they state or imply to me that their beliefs are correct. If someone tells me that the capital of Australia is Sydney I will (sometimes) correct them. If someone tells me that the world was created 6,000 years ago I will do the same. I will defend anybody's right to believe either of those things, but I will not pussyfoot around and pretend that they're not completely wrong. Why would any honest person be threatened by someone challenging their beliefs. If you're wrong, isn't it better to find out?
I accept that there is a chance that they are right and I am wrong, possibly.
They're not right. Christians (at least those who take the bible literally) believe things which cannot possibly be true. From the little I know of your beliefs you could be right, but there's no reason to believe you are.
Or we are both right in our own way. Have you ever heard of phenomenological reality?
More likely you're both wrong in your own way. Phenomenology means that everything is ultimately untestable, and that there is no external reality. To be honest, I'm only vaguely familiar with the philosophy so I can't comment in detail but my beliefs have always presupposed an independent objective reality. I suppose that's ultimately untestable but I think it's the only way of creating a consistent useful model of reality and it seems to work very very well.
Those who can induce you to believe absurdities can induce you to commit attrocities - Voltaire