Any athiest tried a Ouji Board?

by Marilyn 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marilyn

    I haven't. I've been told the glass moves around spelling stuff out. My brother, before he became a dumbdub said it happened to him - but he was pretty young and probably p'd. Movies and tv play along with it. I'm trying to establish whether this stuff is 100% imagined by believers - so far non believers don't seem to experience any thing supernatural.

    Of course the believers would say that nothing happens to us coz the devil already has us! Ya can't argue with that :-)


  • wonderwoman77

    I am not an athiest, but I have tried the Ouiji board. My friends and I tried it in college. It really worked one night. It even stopped moving it when we stopped touching it. It was quite interesting. It told us it was satan and he told me that I was sweet...I was thrilled with that one..j/k. I had one friend use it and his mom got scarred so she threw it in the trash, but it showed back up in his room. she tried to burn it and it just put the fire out. Weird I say...

  • alliwannadoislive

    hey marilyn !

    whats with the athiest bit ? ... as for the ouijia board - i would never mess with anything like that - you never know ... maybe until it's too late ...


    We'll Im pretty sceptical of it all

    But I want to try it because I keep hearing stories from friends. But no-one wants to have a go. Whenever I say "hey lets have a seance"(I've usually had a few beers by then)...they just get spooked and say no-way!!!

  • Marilyn

    alliwannadoislive, it's just a prejudice of mine. I think athiests are more in touch with reality. (my reality anyway). Isn't it interesting that no athiest thus far has had any demon espisodes.

    Wonderwoman, yes my brother reckoned the glass spelled out Satan in answer to something.

    Gweedo, I reckon I'm gonna have to try it to see for myself. Only trouble is that it's the only bit of JW baggage that I still carry - I'm irrationally afraid of it. Damned stupid confession to make!


  • MrMoe

    Yes, they work. Big time. I used one once and once only. A friend and I thought it was spelling jibber until we realized it was spelling everything backwards. It was saying perverted stuff. Gave us both the creeps. Don't mess with those things.

  • Seeker

    I'd be happy to give it a try, and would expect nothing. Tell me, those of you who have done it, what do you have to do? Just pull out the board and the pointer and put your finger on the pointer and wait? Or is there more?

  • edward gentry
    edward gentry

    In my opinion this stuff is real.
    I was engaging in some magical ritual with an ex dub, now "magician"
    one time and he was conjuring energies into the room. I could feel them BIG time.The test was that he didnt tell me what I would feel
    enter the room ,until after Id felt it. So the results were legit.
    Im a believer.
    Also used an ouija board with him and his two kids one night,some "spirit' spoke thru his daughter and announced that the son would die. Three months later the kid was dead. 13 years old.
    true story.

  • Marilyn

    edward, Mr Moe, do you guys believe in God?

    Seeker, you can see why I ask - coz those that talk about it make it sound pretty darned spookie.

    If there is something/one moving the glass - well it sheds a whole new light on evolution eh? Something nasty also emerged out of the primative swamp!!!??


  • Seeker


    I'm perfectly willing to believe in physical forces that science has not yet explained. I do not, however, personify such forces. If there are demons, why would I fear them? If I try the Ouija board and something unexplained happens, I'll chalk it up to some as of yet unexplained science.

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