I hear ya, LouBelle. My mom uses this all the time. "Angie, don't let the actions of imperfect men turn you away from Jehovah God!" Said with tear placed in eye. The thing is, I probably would have stayed 'in' had there been even the hint of humility in ANY of those imperfect men.
I do not forgive those who do not ask for forgiveness. I let it go in my heart and leave it, but I do not allow the same people to lie and hurt over and over without restraint. I will not allow these imperfect men with god complexes to treat my children the way they treated me, my friends, my parents, and my family.
Yes, they are imperfect. So am I! But I'm humble enough to admit that I have made mistakes and I will hear out anyone who wishes to enlighten me when I am wrong.