What the FDS should do next is send a letter out somthing like this.
Dear Brothers,
The Governing Body is concerned about all the fat brothers and sisters we see at the conventions we want to see everyone get into better shape so from now on you will have to ride bicycles out in the field ministry. We are pleased to announce that this will begin immediately anyone who is not capable of riding bicycles can ride in bike side cars or pulled by bike trailors. We know this will greatly enhance the ministry for all concerned will it not.
So we are not mistaken for another religion that ride bikes we encourage all to wear there convention lapel badges throughout the year whenever they are in the ministry.
Also remember when wearing bicycle clothing dress modestly. No brightly colored helmets and sisters need to be reminded that dresses must be long enough to not be revealing while riding. Are we not thrilled to see the continued progress Jehovah's organization continues to make in helping all concerned have better health and also save money on gasoline at the same time.
Your brothers in health
Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses