I remember a talk givin in the hall I used to go to. The guy who gave it told all the children sitting in the hall that they were weird. His point was that the world sees them as weird but that was a good thing.
It's just weird
have you seen the jw child who grows up to be the ideal product of the cult from its point of view, and presumably from its indoctrinated parent's point of view?.
that young person is a weirdo !!!.
i can think of a number like this, still a minority fortunately, in that most of the ones i watched grow up either left or did not embrace the thing anywhere near 100%.. but those one-hundred-percenter kids are something to behold !.
I remember a talk givin in the hall I used to go to. The guy who gave it told all the children sitting in the hall that they were weird. His point was that the world sees them as weird but that was a good thing.
It's just weird
That letter was written to me. I first sent a letter to the bORG with my concerns and it took several months before recieving this response.
When the CO came to visit I was removed as an elder and shortly after that ordered COC and within a couple of months of my removal stopped going to meetings.
The whole uncomfortable process was one of the best things that ever happened to me.
good news, found on salon.com.
i particularly like points three and four.. http://www.nps.gov/wori/index.htm.
Good article, thanks for posting.
To live another year doing what I want
a so called friend of mine sent me this link to a music video.. the song seems to be ridiculing jehovah's witness's and their practise.. but more disconcerting is the visual content, which actually shows the assault and murder of a jehovah's witness.. i can appreciate there is an element of humour involved, but find it in pretty poor taste.. and in no way a positive message to the populace and for the safety of jehovah's witness's in general.. .
The makers of this video must really hate Jehovah's Witnesses. I hate the organization but not the people they're just puppets. I would have enjoyed the violence if they would have done something to the GB instead.
do you think you would be just going thru the motions?
would you be an elder, ms, or pioneer?.
i think there are many that stay in the religion simply because of family/friends considerations.
I would not be living my AUTHENTIC LIFE I would be a puppet elder saying what the Watchtower B t and S society would want me to say and I would be (now that I'm retired) guilted into some kind of pioneering.
I was an elder but no more
i have decided that ignoring my niece and nephew during the holidays, is the most unloving thing i could possibly do.
they stopped celebrating christmas and birthdays, after my sister began studying with jw's about 6-7 years ago.
we did not celebrate either, until 3 years ago, when my son was 2 and my daughter was 4, and we'd figured out that the jw's are wrong about this decision.
I think you will be OK sending these gifts. And they should be OK accepting them.
Just tell them that they're just Christmas Fractions
finally in japan, there happened a civil trial which is by a brother who was unfairly deleted his status by a body of elders of his congregation.
he has sued them for religious and power harassment.
although the brother's name and details are not told, the trial is progressing to the middle stage.
The movement is growing.
check out this gem from the dec 2013 km which explains why it's good to over this book a second go round.. "congregations previously considered this book during 2004 and 2005. however,for many of the approximately two million publishers who have come into the truth since then,this will be the first time that jehovahs endearing qualities have been discussed in detail.for those who studied the book before, the review will help them to deepen their appreciation forjehovahs attributes.ps.119:14".
i gotta kick out of this because i can only think of maybe two or three new ones in our congregation who weren't present when this book was first studied.
at the same time, going over jehovah's qualities isn't something new.
Many cults use repetition and word association . What the mind hears the most it believes.