When this work is done to Jehovah’s satisfaction, “then the end will come.”—Matthew 24:14.
I think what they really meant to say was: the Governing Body's satisfaction.
friday, may 3. abraham put faith in jehovah, and it was counted to him as righteousness, and he came to be called jehovahs friend.jas.
2:23.. abraham came to be jehovahs friendand that before the ransom sacrifice was offered.
When this work is done to Jehovah’s satisfaction, “then the end will come.”—Matthew 24:14.
I think what they really meant to say was: the Governing Body's satisfaction.
i am so tired of waking up without hope.
so tired of fighting one more day...i just want it to end as painless as possible.
i truly don't have the willpower or strength anymore..
We Love you LouBelle. Being hopeless doesn't last forever things change from day to day, week to week, month to month. It will get better.
A great video, thanks for sharing it with us
so yesterday afternoon, an elder who lives only 3 blocks away drives up to my house as i was about to enter my car.
as he gets out of his car, i noticed he had a stack of photocopied paper in his hand and he seemed quite nervous.
i was genuinely happy to see him nonetheless since he is pretty easygoing and very likeable.
It's simple,
elder 1 even though he probably thinks your a loser, came to visit you because it could have possibly given him some material gain. He may have had a few things left that he thought you may have bought.
elder 2 however would have recieved nothing from your HELLO. elder 2 is also an ignorant selfish ass hole who would push you under the bus if it benefitted him.
has anybody here experienced a bonafide, real, true incident in whicy 'demons' actually interacted with you or did something 'supernatural' that left you convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that satan and his demons exist??.
As scientific evidence in all areas of life including, understanding of the brain, physics, the material world and our own bodies continues to grow, the demon population continues to decrease proportionately.
Uhm, I wonder why
But then again, I'm just a material kind of person who only believes what is seen. So to answer your question, no I have never experienced a REAL demonic incident.
I did hear stories as an elder of different dubs thinking they had demons in their house in which case I went to the house to look for possible places they could be hanging out. Couldn't find any so I made suggestions of possible hangouts but all the time thinking, "there are no demons" except in our minds.
the god of love speaks through a watchtower representative.
the speaker is.
ciro aulicino 2007. this is the jwfacts condensed version.
I think I've heard this before and just can't make myself listen again. It's all sick sh*t!
this image is on page 9 of the 2013 april public edition wt.
is it me or has that long hair been digitally lengthened?
the longer portion of his hair doesn't even blend with the hair closest to his roots.
The whole religion is a photoshopped fraud
got this from the 1989 reasoning book that was posted here today.
is this the latest version of this book?
if so, dont they know that a blood transfusion has no relationship to consuming food?
Got this from the 1989 Reasoning Book that was posted here today. Is this the latest version of this book? If so, don’t they know that a blood transfusion has no relationship to consuming food? Food is digested and the nutrients go into the blood stream to be delivered to the bodies cells. Blood is simply an organ that transport food’s nutrients around the body.
Also noticed that the scripture at Acts 15:28, 29 has an addition of bracketing referring to “the governing body of the Christian congregation”. How does this scripture read in other translations?
Christians are commanded to 'abstain from blood'
Acts 15:28, 29: "The holy spirit and we ourselves [the governing body of the Christian congregation] have favored adding no further burden to you, except these necessary things, to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled [or, killed without draining their blood] and from fornication. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!" (There the eating of blood is equated with idolatry and fornication, things that we should not want to engage in.)
Is a transfusion really the same as eating blood?
In a hospital, when a patient cannot eat through his mouth, he is fed intravenously. Now, would a person who never put blood into his mouth but who accepted blood by transfusion really be obeying the command to "keep abstain- ing from ... blood"? (Acts 15:29) To use a comparison, consider a man who is told by the doctor that he must abstain from alcohol. Would he be obedient if he quit drinking alcohol but had it put directly into his veins?
I used this illustration years ago while talking to a doctor and he totally shot it down and made me feel like a fool.
Are they still using this illustration?
this is a serious question and i hope to receive intelligent explanations.. .
the wts says that the great tribulation lies in the future.
they write that it will start when the united nations attacks christendom.. .
Just another illogical/nonsensical prophesy by the bORG.
i'm curious, as where i reside there's about to be a major brouhaha over the tax exempt status of a major player in this area.
reading and hearing the arguments from both sides conjured thoughts about the tax exempt status of religions and the arguments associated with that issue.
a significant portion of the arguments related to that issue center around how a tax exempt organization benefits it's community.
They teach deaf people how to masturbate.