Here's one more:
Here's one more:
they were taken at an event her auntie took her to over the weekend.
she's in 3, 17, 18,19 of the series.
????????? from which date? When I open it and check those numbers you mentioned, I do not get fitting photos.
oh, boy.
just had these thoughts rattling around in my head a few days, so wanted to get your takes.
my college son and i were talking and he said a fellow worker in his 50's said he had been aware his mother was sick and dying in another town , but had not died yet.
I think we will be off to another realm, whether it's heaven, another planet or on the other side. Either way...we will survive, everyone, including the wicked. I think God loves us all enough to give everyone another chance and who knows, maybe we did live a former life and were wicked back then and he gave us another chance and this time we did better. Who knows. I'll wait until I die to find out. Anyone care to join me in the other realm someday?
bummer. Oh well....I read it today for my first time (got an email from a friend).
check out link below (in next posting)
did we?
mine was an old fiat 127, i bought it 1983 and it was at least fifteen years old then!
the seats were vinyl and there were no rear seatbelts so i could send my girlfriend and her sister flying with each bend in the road!
it wouldn't go above 55mph and was rattling like rollercoaster when it finally got there.. the rear window fell out and it finally croaked in puff of blue/black smoke.
Don't forget the little Renault Le Car (R-5) *heehee* I had a semi run me off the road once and I swore I would NEVER own another dinky car that know one can see. I ended up driving on the center island and passed the semi on his left. He was no doubt surprised.
how many of you know of instances where total devotion to the borg resorted in financial ruin?.
here is an example of what one family i knew had to do to survive:.
and this family is still in the borg.
No, we weren't fools, only manipulated and didn't have God's guidance to direct our lives as He really would have done for us. Our families would all be intact and we would all be in here raving about how happy and successful we are. The BORG...SUCKS!
mine was an old fiat 127, i bought it 1983 and it was at least fifteen years old then!
the seats were vinyl and there were no rear seatbelts so i could send my girlfriend and her sister flying with each bend in the road!
it wouldn't go above 55mph and was rattling like rollercoaster when it finally got there.. the rear window fell out and it finally croaked in puff of blue/black smoke.
a 1973 Dodge Charger. Red w. white vinyl roof, 318HP, still wish I had it. *sniff* My Ex traded it in shortly after I got married (10-1973) for a 1975 Ford Pinto.
(imagine this in red & white)
i filled out an application on saturday for a job, today i went for the interview, .
it went well, i go at the end of the week to meet with the regional manager to interview with him.. so it sounds promising.. its six months training for a managers position and then transfer out of state to .
i dont know where.
Good luck in getting that job. It has been my experience that every past job was a stepping stone towards the ultimate job. When you get that job (yes I am a positive thinker), it will be better than your present job.