I wanna go tooooooo!. When's the next flight out? My bags have been packed since yesterday.
third year in a row(we really need to go somewhere different.
looking from the reef back towards the resort(dreams tulum).
this location is about 200 yards from the shore.
I wanna go tooooooo!. When's the next flight out? My bags have been packed since yesterday.
okay, so it should be very soon when the theme for the 2008 convention will be made public.
what do you think the them will be?
as usual: "Victory in Sight. The End is Rapidly Approaching"
so next seasons district convention i plan on doing something fun.
something that may make us all famous on youtube.. okay, i dress up as an ancient israelite (quick body robe + beard), and during the drama i run out with a megaphone shouting "no!
i am the faithful and discreet slave!
I'm tempted!
do you remember the person who baptized you?
did they have holy spirit?
or did you just line up at an assembly?
Running Mad Man! Good catch. Now you make me wonder more & more if the Bible is from God. Why would Jesus tell us in a figurative way something as that if he didn't already know about it's pagan origin? Sounds Pagan to me.
(please delete if already posted).
http://news.mywebpal.com/partners/680/public/news842622.html cable truck hits kingdom hall .
email this story to a friend.
How many pioneers were beneath it?
do you remember the person who baptized you?
did they have holy spirit?
or did you just line up at an assembly?
I've had God's spirit come down on me, but not while among the Borg. It was when I went to a Healing Room. I was being prayed on and while waiting in line for this Pastor to lay her hands on me to pray, I was standing there thinking, "Yeah right, she won't get me to fall on the floor like some of the others have" That was my JW teachings talking in my head. Well....she starts to pray on me and BANG...within 20 sec. I was on the floor. I started crying and they told me that was typical because in my case I was releasing all the inner problems and pressures inflicted on me from the JW's. Hallelujah!
my advice to any victim of jw's that would complain about sisters wearing these pretty dresses would be to take a pair of scissors with them to the hall and cut the strings off right in front of the complainers and ask if that is better.
go strapless!
I went door to door in Phoenix/Mesa AZ in min. 110°F. We wore spaghetti straps. It depends on where you live, but especially, what the elders will tolerate. The older ones would have preferred a long ankle length dress and a long sleeve coat to cover everything. Why not make them dress like the women in the Muslim countries, cover their faces too.
how many on this forum enjoy drinking wine or beer?
on what occasions do you drink wine or beer?
these are start off ?
I like a nice Chardonnay. Beer I hate unless it's dranked the Bavarian way. 1/2 & 1/2 - Dopplebock & Cocacola and a shot of cherry flavored liquor. NO JOKE...it's actually quiet tasty. they call it a "Goass Moass" I rarely drink any alcohol. One bottle of wine is in my fridge for 6 mos usually. I think it's just my way of wanting to avoid becoming an alcoholic. I have/had a few family members who were/are.
i used to start looking at the clock behind me, look at my watch, look at the speaker or person handling the part and give obvious facial expressions expressing my dissatisfaction.
it was a pet peeve of mine!
a few times when i had the last part in a service meeting, i'd say, rather sternly,"this originally was a 15 minute part but because we are running out of time, we will dispense with (whatever).".
I was quite annoyed and in one Cong. Oak Harbor, Wa, it happened waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to often. My Ex, I know at the time was fuming inside.
What bothered me the most about it, were the ones waiting outside to pick up their loved ones, a potential future Bro. or Sis. maybe??? Maybe it was a good thing, it told them how inconsiderate JW's are.
even if they aren't running, who would you like to see as the next president?
I still don't vote. Mainly because I don't know enough about the candidates to know who to vote for and even if I did, that's no guarantee whoever we vote for will be ideal. Look at Bush, more than 1/2 the people who voted for him, are not happy with him. In that case, I'm glad I didn't vote.