I forgot all about that song. Thanks for the reminder!
stand firm and see the salvation of jehovah .
as announced last sat at agm...yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I forgot all about that song. Thanks for the reminder!
i've heard this been said before that when you have had loads to drink and when your inhibitions are temporarily removed then the real you is exposed.
some people when they've got a skinfull they might start talking about money & bragg about personal financial achievements and how much more money they're going to earn.. some people after a few beers suddenly think they're rocky balboa and think they can take the world on.. others after sinking some g & t's might turn into a crazed sexual tyrannosaurus!!.
From what I have seen, OH YEAH! No doubt about it. Interestingly too, depending on the type of alcohol dranked, determines too which personality trait is revealed.
It was easy for me too, because I had no relatives remaining in the Borg and my Ex, and In-laws, I didn't need them in my life anymore anyway. When they told me they would DF me, I was soooooooooooooooooooooo happy to hear that.
stand firm and see the salvation of jehovah .
as announced last sat at agm...yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Perfect scripture. They are standing firm, in one place and not moving forward to better themselves or help others, etc. etc.
when a witness talks about someone who has "graduated" from gilead, they always make it sound like such an accomplishment as if they graduated from harvard or somethin...lol.
i know it's called the watchtower bible school of gilead and is located at the watchtower educational center in patterson, ny (sounds impressive, uh?)..
it used to be known as the watchtower bible college of gilead in south lansing, ny.. does this school have any accreditation that you know of or is it just glorified classroom training for jw "missionaries"?
I doubt it, anymore than our membership in the Theohypocite school was. I did put the school on my résumé's in the past to emphasize my learning how to speak in public. Yeah, Like I'm really good at that
for the wt to make changes in their "truth" so often.
we all know about the blood changes, and the generation changes, etc.
i was thinking that they are so hungry for some "proof" that jehovah is feeding them that they just embrace everything and anything.
They would probably consider them to be Apostates for not believing the New Light! They may have died thinking they were doomed for forever too.
for the wt to make changes in their "truth" so often.
we all know about the blood changes, and the generation changes, etc.
i was thinking that they are so hungry for some "proof" that jehovah is feeding them that they just embrace everything and anything.
If they died today or even yesterday, God will treat them as they deserve, with loving compassion and with the His forgiveness for their ignorance. It's not our fault when we are directed on the wrong path. Nobody is perfect and God knows that. He's gracious with all of us.
what a terrible thing to say!
but it's the truth.
witnesses are known to go into wealthy neighborhoods and while riding around in service or actually going to someone's house, they declare that "these people already have their own paradise but as soon as armageddon comes, i'm gonna take this house and when they die, it's gonna be my mansion!.
*barf* I have heard that sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many times. Or how they too will have the biggest and best house. IDIOTS! God will put them in their places and humble them down to the level of a snakes tummy.
i love milk chocolate raspberry, cherry, actually any fruit, candies.. i love hershey's with almonds.. i'm in a sweettooth type of mood..
"Idaho Spud" candy bar. *yumm*
last night i was talking to my 17yr.
old son who hasn't been among the borg since ca.
2002, and asked him why he hates religions.
Outlaw: they are such hypocrites. And to think they would have had a fit if they knew my Ex at the time was doing work for a nuclear power plant. It had something to do with nuclear warhead as well if I remember right. But, it was his job and he had 4 mouths to feed at the time. If the JW's knew, they would have made him quit the job or DF him.