Hi Steven,
I have had a fair bit of experience with my own half cocked interventions and attempted disruptions. I have written about those episodes and many of those articles are on www.freeminds.org
I am currently reading Steve Hassan's book, Releasing The Bonds. It reflects my experiences pretty well and I recommend reading it with reflection before attempting to intervene in the religion of a spouse or anybody for that matter.
Also I found this true for myself. I need to have dealt with my own issues surrounding the experiences in a high control group before I can be of any real help to anybody else. That means I don't try to influence anybody else until I have completed my own grief cycle. I can't counsel somebody else with anger issues until I have worked through my own.
The principle issue with Jehovah's Witnesses is fear. I had to think of the bounds the Watch Tower Corporation implanted into the minds of Witnesses like an invisible pet fence. The dog tail wagging, sees you and momentarily forgets the shock collar. It runs toward you and POW . . . it get shocked and reminded of it's limitations. Same thing happens with a victim of a high control group when they venture out too far. The fear hits them and just like the shock collar they withdraw under the porch and It takes a long, long time before they will trust that area again because they remember the shock, or the fear that seems so real.
Leaving a high control group seems different for everyone. Seems to me we need to keep rapport number one and be supportive and be more of a resource for them when and if they do decide to leave.
For couples, a marriage counselor trained in the dynamics of a high control group has accomplished far more than the disconfirming information approach. I would advise to never confront a Witness with disconfirming information or questions. I would advise to thoroughly do your own homework and do not stop with Jehovah's Witnesses. Investigate Second Adventists, William Miller, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
Be suspect of "faith", belief without proof. That is how you were tricked before. And last of all investigate the objective history of theism. Read Carl Sagan's, Demon Haunted World. It will show you how to recognize hype and dogmatism from objective reality. When you investigate, always take the approach opposite to your perceived stand. That means if you are a skeptic, read as a true believer putting together an objective research. If you are a true believer, research as a skeptic.
Never read one book. Read point counterpoint. No real expert has read only one book. Look at both sides objectively.
When I did all this, my approach to a person living in a delusion is very different than it was before I got my education.
Best wishes to all,