All end timers have had their *revelation* and when that failed they have all claimed to be or have a *channel* in order to continue with some credibility. They were all prophets who claimed to be merely interpreters of prophecy when their predictions failed.
It looks to me like William Miller was the last honest end timer. He quit setting dates and did not become a channel after his disappointment. It's too bad his followers could not follow his example.
JoinedPosts by garybuss
A dumb question?
by link inits quite possible that i am the only one on this board who does not know the answer to this question so can someone please enlighten me.. at jeremiah 25:12 it says that when 70 years have been fulfilled, babylon and its king will be destroyed.
when does this 70 years start from?
all wts literature says that babylon was destroyed in 539 bce, two years before the end of the 70 years of judahs desolation in 537, which started in 607 bce.. are these two different lots of 70 years?
Born into it
by A Paduan in.
do those of you who were born into it feel that your parents did what they believed in their hearts was love for their children, or do you think they warrant a serious kick in the backside?.
My parents were ignorant and foolish but what they did then was forgivable. What they do now is evil and willful and is not forgivable.
They will die serving their precious book publishing company without ever seeing even one of the rewards promised to them or without seeing even one prediction come true.
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Transitions after leaving the borg..experiences?
by LyinEyes ini am just going to put this out here to see how you all feel about this.......... here goes............... do you think that being a jw , especially raised in it, has taken away your chance of ever trusting yourself ever again in regards to what you believe in?
i mean , you can read books, many by very educated men/women, you can read every bible printed, you can read every self help book, but do you find yourself at times just not caring anymore?
i mean once your trust has been broken, what is the point in reading another man's version of what truth/reality is?
LyinEyes wrote:
"Do you think that being a JW , especially raised in it, has taken away your chance of ever trusting yourself ever again in regards to what you believe in?"
On the contrary. My experience has been a wonderful reference point. I have trust, faith, and belief now like never before.
What I can't afford today is misplaced trust, blind faith, and belief in dead men's delusions.
Today, I rely on the obvious, the predictable, the rational, the practical, the objective, and the real. I treat people like it is the last time I will ever see them. I plan for the future but live for today. I enjoy enjoyment and I appreciate people with good behavior. I am learning to accept the unacceptable and I avoid confrontation.
Success is friends and security is health. Love is action and my best deals in life have been the bad deals I got out of.
All the rest is work in progress.
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How will you commemorate the anniversary of 9/11?
by Kenneson in1. attend a prayer service.
2. stay at home and watch the t.v.
I will buy my wife a gift and flowers and take her out to eat at a nice restaurant just like it was our anniversary.
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by zev ingwen and i went on a mission .
going in as a couple of "interested ones"...into a kh that i was reasonably sure i wouldn't be recongnized as the "uadna-ri" i went in with a hidden wire and tape recorder to get the "evidence".
on this site you will find links to 4 audio files... the first two are "the part", and the other two files are an audio clip of the "love bombing" attack we got when we left the first meeting, and the reading of a letter to "all congregations" concerning the discontinuation of subscriptions.. as with all jw things, it is interesting to hear the comments made by the speaker, things not written in the km, and views, attitudes, and references made when speaking of how to treat disfellowshipped family members.. all in all, i am glad we went on this misssion.
The purpose of the KM article and the meeting to present it to the agents is simply to promote the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation.
The meeting was arranged by the Watch Tower Corporation at a time set by the Watch Tower Corporation, in a building owned and controlled by the Watch Tower Corporation. The papers read at the meeting were written by the Watch Tower Corporation about the Watch Tower Corporation for the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation.
The meetings are in the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation. Literature production and distribution is in the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation. Isolation of members and isolation of dissenters is in the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation.
Shunning and snubbing is in the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation. Everything is done and said in the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation.
Nothing new, no surprises. If I insist on petting a skunk, sooner or later I will get pissed on. The nature of the skunk is to piss on that which he does not like.
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A dumb question?
by link inits quite possible that i am the only one on this board who does not know the answer to this question so can someone please enlighten me.. at jeremiah 25:12 it says that when 70 years have been fulfilled, babylon and its king will be destroyed.
when does this 70 years start from?
all wts literature says that babylon was destroyed in 539 bce, two years before the end of the 70 years of judahs desolation in 537, which started in 607 bce.. are these two different lots of 70 years?
Sorry you have to deal with Witness connections.
I have taken a simple approach. Either treat me nice and treat those people important to me nice or your ass is outta here. And, back up your claims with facts and reality or keep em to yourself.
I am w a y past wanting to deal with their games and delusions. They are the most double dealing, devious dimwits I have ever had to try to deal with.
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A dumb question?
by link inits quite possible that i am the only one on this board who does not know the answer to this question so can someone please enlighten me.. at jeremiah 25:12 it says that when 70 years have been fulfilled, babylon and its king will be destroyed.
when does this 70 years start from?
all wts literature says that babylon was destroyed in 539 bce, two years before the end of the 70 years of judahs desolation in 537, which started in 607 bce.. are these two different lots of 70 years?
Hi Link, Just wondering if you have studied numerology at all. And if you are a religious person, I wondered how you see numerology fitting with religion. And if your are a pragmatist, I wondered how practical you see second Adventist style numerology.
Best wishes, and happy weekend,
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Ferret merit - The Doctrine
by garybuss indoctrine of "family merit", vs animal merit.
family merit .
what if the family's name was merit?
Waiting, It was due to the *family merit* doctrine that caused my parents to set me in the baptism line at a Denver Colorado district assembly in 1957. I was 12. I was separated from my parents by the arrangements and we had no plan to rejoin. I will never forget it. It was a terrifying experience.
The convention was at a ball field in Denver but all we baptismal candidates were driven up to a motel swimming pool at Idaho Springs in the mountains. I was having anxiety spasms when I realized I was separated from my parents and on a road trip with a bunch of strangers.
Many of the other people being baptized were adults and I was in a car with all older people I did not know. Then after we were baptized, they took a sight seeing side trip on the way back to the convention. My family could have ran the convention seat savers school and I just returned to their block of seats and there they were.
I recall my mother explaining the family merit teaching to me and it all seemed so strange. I didn't question it then. I trusted my parents and all my relatives were there so it seemed all okay.
I am surprised that the doctrine of family merit is not examined here very often. It is fascinating and there is a fair amount written about it in the Society produced literature. It is the reason so many of us were induced to be baptized at a young age.
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Ferret merit - The Doctrine
by garybuss indoctrine of "family merit", vs animal merit.
family merit .
what if the family's name was merit?
The French are soooo cute! I wonder if the Watch Tower ever paid their tax bill there. Anyone know?
Ferret merit - The Doctrine
by garybuss indoctrine of "family merit", vs animal merit.
family merit .
what if the family's name was merit?
Doctrine of "Family Merit", VS Animal Merit.
The Watchtower January 15 1971 pp. 63-64
Questions from Readers
At 1 Corinthians 7:14 the Bible shows that God can consider as "holy" the minor children of a Christian parent. Though they are young and not yet to the point of being personally responsible to Jehovah, their parent is trying to develop in them a love of God and of the way of righteousness. It seems clear that at the time of the destructive war of Armageddon God will preserve them on the basis of the . . . family merit . . . of the Christian parent, even though the children are not yet dedicated and baptized. (end quote)
If there is such a thing as "family merit" as the Watchtower Corporation writes, there must have been "animal merit" for the animals of Noah's flood fame. And for those animals failing to gain a boat ride there would have had to have been "animal de-merit".
Was Noah a Jew? Why did he take a pig pair on the ark or were they a late creation? If he did take a pig pair was there doctrine called "pig merit"? Was there a ferret on the ark who got there by ferret merit?
What if the family's name was Merit? Then that would be "Merit merit". Or a parent named Mary would make it "Mary Merit merit".
Comments? Additions?