We have Mice!!. Hi
he's just waiting for his account to be activated.. look out for him.
We have Mice!!. Hi
any of the rhetoric, demands, conciliation, etc., etc., remind you of anything?
wasn't this all how this war started in iraq?
(or the justification for it, anyway?
An interesting and thoughtful article lwt.
I have argued that Iran would be committing suicide to use nuclear weapons, and despite the shortcomings of the Iranian regime, they will not use them.
My friend who is Jewish still thinks Israel will act against Iran, and sooner rather than later, and he is a moderate! Israel does not need to hit all the nuclear sites to greatly disrupt Iran's nuclear programme. It has acted presumptively before, so it has form. Iran is playing a very dangerous game.
As for the economic consequences they will be short lived, we in the west need oil, the oil producing nations want the revenue, this is a parasitic/ symbiotic relationship. The best way for us to insulate ourselves from these shocks is to become less dependant on Oil.
Israel does not care too much what the US thinks, for two reasons. One, this is a matter of sovereignty and national survival, that is their perception. Two, there is a large, vocal, and very powerful Jewish lobby within the US, which will temper any uneasiness within the US.
any of the rhetoric, demands, conciliation, etc., etc., remind you of anything?
wasn't this all how this war started in iraq?
(or the justification for it, anyway?
That was such a well thought analysis - not. It sounded like a rant to me. Who fought the Russians in Afghanistan, yep the Taliban- backed by the west. Who backed Saddam Hussein? Remember Oliver North anyone?
As has been pointed out, Iran will not be allowed to go nuclear, end of. Russia does not have the military might to do much nowadays, look at Chechnya, that took huge manpower, and cost a lot of lives.
If the USA and other western nations wanted to help out the deserving poor in oppressed nations there are candidates that are far easier to help out ,such as Zimbabwe or Sudan.
any of the rhetoric, demands, conciliation, etc., etc., remind you of anything?
wasn't this all how this war started in iraq?
(or the justification for it, anyway?
Just read this in the Independent, how prescient. It refers to the effect of sanctions on Syria, and the engagement of Obama with former foes of the US and has relevance to Iran.
Regards David
any of the rhetoric, demands, conciliation, etc., etc., remind you of anything?
wasn't this all how this war started in iraq?
(or the justification for it, anyway?
I have a friend of mine who is a liberal Jew and he has no doubt Israel will bomb the Hell out of Iran should they get close to the bomb. And yeah it is really scarey.
any of the rhetoric, demands, conciliation, etc., etc., remind you of anything?
wasn't this all how this war started in iraq?
(or the justification for it, anyway?
If Iran is playing this game than I have overestimated them.They will be bombed by Israel as well and sooner rather than later.
As for sanctions on South Africa, it is a matter of fact that they played a large part in their change of policy, along with political developments as well. In the case of South Africa it was the political bravery of FW de Clerk.
As has been pointed out Iran does not have the refining capacity, and requires embargoed western technology to increase it.
We still need to support the moderates as well, in attempt to replace the current regime.
saw this article on line in yesterday's daily mail.
it's a bit of a worry to say the least.. .
The bubble has deflated about 20-30% depending on area and type of property, some in the North are down 50%, and there is a shortage of property here in large parts of the South East. As for the currency it is already considerably weaker against the Euro and Dollar.
If you are holding dollars besty, you are about 25% better off then 2 years ago
saw this article on line in yesterday's daily mail.
it's a bit of a worry to say the least.. .
Me too now LWT, i was unimpressed with his analysis, even the Eurosceptics here would not ( hopefully) use such arguments. I am not very impressedvwith hiscritique of the situation in the US either.
saw this article on line in yesterday's daily mail.
it's a bit of a worry to say the least.. .
We use the pound Lwt, and are like Switzerland (that retains the Swiss Franc), in that we have a reduced influence in our economic destiny, without the input.
Now i need a choccie bar made by Nestle'!
saw this article on line in yesterday's daily mail.
it's a bit of a worry to say the least.. .
Wow that was powerful stuff LWT, where to start?
Well lets see California has big problems yet is part if the USA, and who will bail it out?
Next free movement of labour does occur in the EU, and cheap labour has flowed throughout Europe, from the states such as Poland to the UK and Spain; just like the US
Next, yes Spain has experienced a housing boom, this has been fuelled by the a number things, such as shady land deals there, and profligate lenders here in the UK. Another major problem has been supply far exceeded demand, just like Florida.
What Europe needs is for those states within it to be honest about their finances, rather than allowing investment banks like Goldman Sachs, who embark in a sleight of hand with the markets and the people. Investment banks like Goldmans want it both ways, they profit from the fees received from the Governments like Greece for ( rather poor and self serving) advice given, then when they see the markets turning, bet against the currency and the Government bonds on the way down, easy eh?
Oh, and should the banks fail, market forces being what they are and prevail what happens? a. They fail, or b. take largess from the governments they do so not want to regulate them too tightly. They took option b, oh surprise
To be sure some governments have behaved injudiciously, the rules however were there to prevent this, they were in some cases, by some governments ignored, thinking like Dr Pangloss in Candide, that "something will always turn up" it did the time of reckoning.
The hubris is the selective amnesia of those who forget time lines and History involved. Spain has only in recent, living memory emerged from under the of boot fascism, ditto Germany. The Euro and EU is there to meld nations and prevent destructive wars, guess what, it has? By means of 'an ever closer Union'
We in Britain are way too small in economic terms to be masters of our own destiny, just as California is ( despite being #5 in terms of world GDP).
I have provided a link below showing that there are lessons that can be learned.
A single currency can and will work, and we in the The UK could and should be part of it, but only if we are willing to be responsible in good times, so we can be in better shape when the bad times arrive, like Germany and Canada for instance