In itself there's nothing wrong with hope - it's a very human feeling. However, it can lead to problems; e.g., someone could quit their job and become a gambler in the hope of making a killing, or join a nutcase religion that fosters unrealistic expectations that are couched as being "hope." Also, please bear in bind that if one expresses one's hopes on a forum such as this, then many will disagree as well as agree, for discussion is the point of a forum. Presumably, if one felt 100% confident in one's hope(s) then there would be no need to discuss it or them in a forum, unless one was trying to get others to subscribe to that hope. It's one thing to hope that nothing bad happens in the sense of not wanting bad to happen, quite another to hope that stupid or irrational actions or beliefs will not have deleterious or unexepected effects somewhere down the line.
So all in all it's a complex subject - also, if my "hope" happens to be that there is no God, no driving force at all, and I were to express that here, then would, or should, that go uncontested?
I don't think it's cynical to have spirited discussions about this topic - after all if our beliefs are robust then they can stand discussion, and if our hopes, however whimsical, or not, are useful emotionally then equally they can withstand discussion. Such hopes reflect intrinsic parts of our own personalities and while others amy argue with them, they are what they are.....
Hope that makes sense :-)