So it's OK for you to insult people like Francois but you don't like being insulted yourself. Just like you don't care to accept, or comment on, the argument that because someone who believes in God - even a cleric - may also accept evolution, then that indicates that evolution is consistent with belief in God.
You have yet to demonstrate that the individuals you named did their work _because_ they believed in God; perhaps they believed in God simply because, at that time, pretty much everyone believed in God. Nor did you tell me what you know about Mr. Kelvin and his estimates for the age of the Earth.
However, the original question I raised is whether Geology (note the capital G - that means the modern scientific field of Geology) is consistent with a Noachian Flood - or whether it rejects it flat out. I argued that the modern field of Geology is absolutely inconsistent with the idea of a flood. And it is. You have presented a list of names of people who have degrees in geology perhaps, and who have written scientific papers, and, who, you claim believe in a flood or at least Creation.
Very nice but absolutely dishonest (or stupid - you take your pick) - now your task is to produce papers written by these people in professional Geology publications that make the case for the flood - or which base their conclusions on the idea of a Noachain flood about 4000 years ago. Only if you can do that can you establish that the modern field of Geology considers the flood to be a credible possibility. Otherwise all you have shown is that some people can get degrees in a field and still not understand that field - and we all know that.
For example, I know personally an organic chemist who writes for one of the Creationist outfits. One of the people you cite works for the Geoscience Research Institute - a well known Creationist outfit that has zero scientific credibility. Another is at Bryan College which is Christian college.
To argue that these people are part of the scientific field of Geology is nonsensical.
Actually you are making a very common logical mistake - the resort to authority - except those you resort to have no credibility in Geology. Of cousre, you'll argue that mainstream Geology is miseld. Well, whether it is or it isn't, mainstream Geology is the scientific field of Geology and it rejects the flood. Totally and unequivocally. It is only your distance from even the semblance of educated thought that make syou unable to distinguish between having a PhD and being credible. That isn't an insult by the way.
You have demonstrated precisely nothing and you still haven't told me how Kangaroos got to Australia.
Edited by - Gedanken on 23 October 2002 19:48:43
Edited by - Gedanken on 23 October 2002 19:49:43
Edited by - Gedanken on 23 October 2002 19:51:56