Thanks for all of your comments.
I am a Christian and believe that the Bible is God's actual words that he has had written down for us.I believe we were created and we are not here by chance. I believe that if we have a creator, our creator can easily get a message to us and I feel that is just what he did.
In reference to predestination, I believe that God is fully in control of what goes on. He is able to allow us free will in all of that because he knows all of the future. So in other words, whatever he wants to happen and not to happen, happens according to how he wants it to happen......and at the end of all of it, his eternal purpose for us will come forth. So really he is in control of everything that happens. reference to the Scriptures that were quoted to defend against predestination. All they mention ito preach against predestination is that our original parents sinned and they died in the day that they sinned, that we should cast our worries on the Lord and he will help us and not cause us to stumble. We live to be about 70 or 80 but are full of pride. That we have haughty eyes and a lying tongue. The fear of the Lord prolongs life but for the wicked it is shortened. Righteous get life. Evildoer gets death. There is a time for everything uder the sun. Do not be wicked or you could die before your time is up.Everyone who believes in Jesus will have eternal life.
So in a nutshell, all they quote from the Bbile is that we are sinners that live to about 80 and without believing in Jesus we die and we should cast all of our worries on the Lord. However, they do quote a scripture that says we can die before our time is up if we are funny.....I wonder who causes us to die if we are wicked? Yes unforseen occurances occur to all of us..........they are only unforseen to us.......NOT God.
So not much here in proof that God is not involved in our life. I just think it is sad that they do not know how much God IS involved in our life with the good and the bad things that happen to us. They should know that and rejoice in it!!! I mean I can't read the Bible without seeing God's involvement in history on every page! To bad they don't see it in their lifves. It's nice to know God is right by your side in the good and bad of everything.